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Neighboring states have same-day registration

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The Montana State Legislature is considering eliminating same-day voter registration with HB 176.

A democracy is about the government representing the people. The people express what they want by voting. More voters means more accurate representation, and any action that limits the number of people who can vote excludes them from the democratic process.

If fraud is the concern, those votes can be conditional until the voter is confirmed as legally able to vote. If lack of office staff to handle both registration and voting is the concern, extra staff can be added for the day; it’s not as weighty a problem as is not letting citizens be represented.

Montana has allowed same-day voter registration since 2005. 

Neighboring states Idaho and Wyoming have same-day voter registration. North Dakota doesn’t have registration at all, just identification and proof of residence. State senators, please oppose HB 176.

Stephanie Brancati

Big Arm


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