Superintendent Arntzen announces fall enrollment numbers
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MONTANA — Superintendent of Public Instruction Elsie Arntzen announced Montana’s fall 2020 student enrollment numbers, along with information on how COVID-19 may have impacted enrollment.
The Office of Public Instruction collects enrollment data from school districts each October and February.
“Montana has seen a drop in public elementary school enrollment and an increase in public high school enrollment,” Arntzen said. “OPI is still working with local school administrators to analyze this data and determine what if any impact COVID-19 has had on student enrollment. Montana’s public schools have responded strongly to the COVID-19 pandemic and so have parents to determine the best way to ensure their child continues to receive educational services during these unprecedented circumstances.”
Montana saw a 3.8 percent decrease in K-8 public school enrollment and an increase of 2.1 percent in public high school enrollment for a cumulative decrease of 1.8 percent (due to rounding) public school enrollment. That translates to 2,749 fewer students enrolled in public schools statewide. Private schools also saw a decrease of nine percent or 708 students enrolled. Students identified as homeschooled increased by 62.3 percent or 3,639 students.
This data is considered preliminary and may change slightly over the next few weeks as school districts have until Dec. 31 to change or certify their data.