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Solomon deserves votes

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My name is Tim Huls, and I am a recently retired dairy farmer in Ravalli County and past president of the Montana Dairy Association. I am writing to strongly encourage the voters in District 47 to send Daniel Solomon back to the Montana Senate. 

I got to know Dan when we both served in leadership positions on the Montana Dairy Association board of directors. In that setting, I witnessed Solomon’s problem-solving abilities and was especially impressed with his honesty, integrity and his kind treatment of others, even those with whom he disagreed with. 

I have also had several occasions to work with Solomon on agriculture issues during his tenure in the Montana legislature. He has been very helpful and has represented the interests of agriculture as a member of the agriculture committee in our state government.

Many folks take for granted or do not realize that agriculture is Montana’s number one industry. It is very important that there are folks in the Montana Senate that have the life experience to understand the issues and challenges facing agriculture and have wisdom about what the role of government should play in finding solutions.  

Solomon has the experience, wisdom and drive needed to continue as Senator from

District 47. I encourage your vote for Dan Solomon on Tuesday, Nov. 3. Thank You.

Tim Huls 


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