Vote goes to Graybill
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Raph Graybill is running to be our next attorney general and will fight to defend our healthcare and stop price gouging on prescription drugs.
Recently, 26 generic drug manufacturers were sued for conspiring to illegally raise the price on prescription drugs. These out-of-state corporations rigged the price on 80 different generic drugs that Montanans use everyday to live healthy lives. As a physician, I have had first hand experience with patients who have had difficulty obtaining the pharmaceuticals they need. This kind of excess is criminal.
Graybill has a plan to hold pharmaceutical corporations accountable and enforce our laws–putting money back in our pockets. You can read it here:
In contrast, Raph’s opponent, politician, Austin Knudsen, doesn’t think this is a priority. He recently said this “isn’t what the attorney general’s office is designed for.” Clearly, it is the attorney general’s job, but Knudsen just doesn’t care to do it.
I want someone representing us to make it their priority to fight for Montanans. I’m supporting Raph Graybill for attorney general because he’ll be our independent watchdog against out-of-control pharmaceutical corporations and fight for Montanans everyday.
Dr. Charles Jennings
Great Falls