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View from the Library

Library restarts Partner Sharing service

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Our Partners Sharing group has restarted service. You will now begin receiving holds that were placed prior to the COVID-19 shutdown and you can begin placing new holds on items held by all Partner Sharing libraries.

The library is currently open Monday – Friday from 10 a.m.-1 p.m. and from 3-5 p.m. for holds pick up, materials checkout, materials return, and quick browsing. Our Library Board of Trustees has passed a directive requiring all library users (including children) to wear a face mask while in the building, in the interest of public health. The library does not have masks available, you must bring your own. If you are unwilling or unable to wear a mask, our staff is happy to deliver materials to your vehicle, curbside. Our goal is to keep the library building open and one way we can help make that happen is if everyone wears a mask. We know that not everyone agrees with this, but we figure it is a small price to pay in the event that it will avoid another shutdown.  

For the well being of those individuals who are considered to be vulnerable to this virus as defined in the Governor’s Directive, (over 65 years of age, people with serious underlying health conditions, people whose immune system is compromised), the library is open 9 a.m.-10 a.m. Wednesdays and Fridays. Curbside pickup is available for everyone from 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday – Friday.

Two public computers are available for use on a first come first served basis. Please limit your visit to no more than 30 minutes.  If you are in need of a longer time on the computers for things such as completing job applications, unemployment forms, or taking exams, call the library to reserve a study room for up to two hours. There is no seating available in the library except at a computer.

Have you completed your Census form yet? Only a little over half of Montanans have. It is so important that we get an accurate count. It will determine if Montana gets a second seat in the House of Representatives as well as federal funding for our great state. You can complete your Census online with or without a code, and you can even do it at the library.

The annual Summer Reading Program has begun. This year we are taking it online. Register at: to begin logging your reading and earning points to be entered to win great prizes from local businesses. This program is for all ages from infants to centenarians.

Coming soon – the library will have three laptops and three Wi-Fi hotspots available for checkout. Call the library to find out more.


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