View from the Library
Library open, face masks required
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The library is open for holds pick-up, materials checkout, materials return, and quick browsing. Two public computers are available for use on a first-come first-served basis. Please limit your visit to no more than 30 minutes. There is no seating available except at a computer. Curbside pickup is still available.
Our Library Board of Trustees has passed a directive requiring all library users (including children) to wear a face mask while in the building, in the interest of public health. The library will not have masks available, you must bring your own. If you are unwilling or unable to wear a mask, our staff will be happy to deliver materials to your vehicle curbside. Our goal is that when we open we are able to remain open, and if everyone wears masks then we greatly reduce the risk of spreading the coronavirus and we help protect each other.
The library building will be open limited hours so as to allow our staff time to clean, sanitize, and shelve materials. The library building is open Monday–Friday 10 a.m.-1 p.m. and 3 p.m.-5 p.m. For those individuals who are considered to be vulnerable to this virus as defined in the Governor’s Directive (over 65 years of age, people with serious underlying health conditions, people whose immune system is compromised) the library is open from 9 a.m.-10 a.m. on Wednesdays and Fridays, for their wellbeing. Curbside pickup is available for everyone from 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday–Friday.
For items currently checked out, the due date is June 10 (or later if checked out after May 13). If you would like to renew your items, you can do so online or by calling the library. Materials are being quarantined for 72 hours before being checked in, so do not be alarmed if the item is still showing on your account. The check-in is backdated and you will not be charged any late fees.
I would also like to announce our plans for our Summer Reading Program. This year our library is taking summer reading tracking online with READSquared. Registration for our program begins on Monday, June 8, at: We also have paper tracking logs available upon request. In past years we have asked our local businesses to support our program through coupon incentives, prizes and cash donations. This year we want to say thank you to those businesses and show our support by purchasing our prizes from them. We won’t have the coupons for ice cream, cookies or pizza this year. Rather, when you complete a level you will earn points and a badge within the reading application. We hope you will honor the tradition by visiting businesses who have offered those free treats in the past, and treat yourself. Visit our website for more details.
Our staff is excited to welcome everyone back into the library. Please call us at 406-883-8225 or email us: at, with questions or to request curbside pickup.