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Support Dudik for attorney general

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I am supporting Kimberly Dudik for Montana Attorney General because she is a proven champion on protecting our environment and addressing climate change, as well as fighting for gender equity and preventing family violence. 

During her four terms in the state legislature, Kimberly has earned a 94 percent lifetime voting record from Montana Conservation Voters and held polluters accountable. As attorney general, Kimberly will continue to protect public lands and demand the EPA cleans up the superfund sites in our state. 

She also will promote a range of climate solutions, including a carbon fee and dividend to help citizens adopt sustainable actions that protect our planet and health. Kimberly has led reforms to protect children from sexual abuse and ensure that survivors of abuse get justice. She has also worked alongside Tribal legislators to address the issue of Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls. 

Beginning her career as a neonatal intensive care nurse and advocate for survivors of domestic violence, a private attorney, deputy Gallatin County attorney, and assistant attorney general, Kimberly has 18 years of experience holding offenders accountable and ensuring that women and children are safe. Join me and vote for Kimberly Dudik for Montana Attorney General. 

Deborah Hines


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