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Trump doesn’t take responsibility

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The empowerment of white supremacy that the president has pursued has greatly increased the trend in white supremacy and racism.

After the Iranians shelled U. S. Troops, Trump initially stated there were eight injuries, “They had headaches, not very serious.” As it eventually turned out, there were 109 injuries, with 59 still being treated for traumatic brain injuries.

Trump says he has total authority but takes no responsibility. In the book “A Stable Genius,” he rages at three generals, with eleven battle stars and numerous valor citations. He stated as follows “You are babies … losers. I wouldn’t go to war with you.” This coming from a guy who wrote his own medical excuse: declared 4-F for bone spurs. The generals bowed their heads in embarrassment.

Jack Dorsey donated a billion dollars, Jeff Bezos $100 million, for the national food bank network, Oprah $10 million, Drew Brees $5 million, Pink, the singer, $1 million. JFK and RFK donated their salaries for all of their years of public service.

Trump did donate $130,000 to a playboy playmate, with a check that he personally signed, $110,000 to a porn star. He also donated $30,000 for a painting of himself and $300,000 for a fine from Miami in Dade County. These donations came from his foundation, your money.

Trump’s leadership failure in the COVID-19 pandemic has led to his targeting China, the media, Barack Obama, federal watchdogs, democrat governors and now the World Health Organization. His method of attack is to deny, deflect and blame. 

Did you notice his name is on the checks sent out by the federal government? Free advertising, or perhaps, a generous gift from a beneficent monarch. There seems to be no limit in his quest for power, greed and deceit.

The federal government paid out $50.6 million a year for golf for Trump or a total of $151.8 million for all three years. This seems to be a very extravagant and excessive use of federal money, and it is said he cheats at golf.

Wyman McDonald



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