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OPI releases CARES Act funding estimates for Montana Schools

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News from OPI

MONTANA — The Montana Office of Public Instruction released preliminary estimates for how much funding Montana’s K-12 public schools will receive from the federal CARES Act stimulus bill that was passed in response to the COVID-19 outbreak. 

Of the $13.5 billion allocated to education, Montana’s K-12 public schools will receive $41.2 million through their Title I formula, which is for economically disadvantaged communities. 

Another $8.8 million will be available through the governor’s Emergency Education Relief Fund. School districts are also eligible to apply for $100 million in competitive Project SERV grants.

The $41.2 million will flow through local districts Title I formula but districts have flexibility in how they use the funds. Superintendent Arntzen is using a portion of the state set aside from the CARES Act to ensure that every district receives at least $10,000.  

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