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Polson Schools Superintendent shares plans for remote learning, grab & go meals

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March 16, 2020

Dear Polson School District Families,

We certainly understand that we all are in uncharted waters with much uncertainty.  Our best-developed plans today most likely will change in hours as the Nation, Montana, and Polson School District adjusts to meet the needs of our students, staff, and community.  As parents, the uncertainty is frustrating and I can assure you it is for us as well.   Thank you in advance for your flexibility and understanding.  I am also optimistic that this adversity gives us the opportunity to become stronger.  I have the utmost confidence in our dedicated staff and compassionate community to pull together to support the academic, physical and emotional needs of our students.   

Our District administration team met today developing short and long term plans for our school district closure.   I want to share our plans for the next couple of weeks while schools are “closed” to students.

Staff will be on campus tomorrow developing lessons that can be delivered remotely.  You can expect a call from your student’s teacher this week.  They will have a shortlist of questions to ask you including your child’s access to an electronic device and internet service for educational purposes.  These remote lessons will start next Monday; please be on the lookout for further communications from the school.  In the meantime, we ask that you encourage your child to spend some of their time with a good book or being read to as is age-appropriate.

Food distribution for our students will start in the morning.  Free Grab and Go breakfast and/or lunches at seven locations across our district will be available for our students.  Cherry Valley, Linderman, Turtle Lake Head Start, Elmo Community Center, Big Arm Fire Department, Dayton Elementary,  and Valley View School.  Please reach out to your child’s principal if you have questions or concerns regarding these meal options.  The full lunch schedule can be found here:

The maintenance and custodial team started their deep-clean process this morning.  They started their cleaning and disinfecting procedure in the central kitchen this morning and will diligently work through the district in the coming days.  

If your child has medicine that is distributed here at school and you need to pick it up; arrangements can be made through the building front office.  Call in to have it ready for you to pick up in the front office.  We are still working our way through the expectations during this closure as to being able to provide Counseling groups and CSCT services. As we know, we will communicate with you what options we can deploy.

Encourage your child to practice social distancing during this break from school.  This is an unprecedented health crisis that is constantly changing.  While you may not have anyone in your home who falls in the high-risk categories, additional social interaction puts everyone at risk. 

Communicate with your school.  Throughout this shut-down, we are here and available to you through email and phone calls to the front office of each building.  Please if you have questions or concerns reach out to us and let us know how we can help or assist you and your family. 

Cherry Valley Elementary 883-6333 ext 500

Linderman Elementary 883-6229 ext 400

Polson Middle School 883-6335 ext 300

Polson High School 883-6351 ext 200

Polson District Office 883-6355 ext 600

It is my sincere wish that we are able to flatten and slow down this outbreak so we can get back to normalcy.  This I know is true, it will take all our part as a community of people.   Again, thank you for your support, patience, and resolve as we meet this challenge together.    



Rex M. Weltz

Superintendent Polson Public Schools 

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