Briefs for Jan. 22, 2020
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Kiwanis hosts ‘Pints for a Purpose’
POLSON — On Tuesday, Jan. 28, from 4:30-8 p.m. at Glacier Brewery, 6 Tenth Ave. E, the Kiwanis Club will host “Pints for a Purpose,” a family-friendly fundraiser to support Special Olympics. Hot dogs, chili, beer and non-alcoholic options will be available. Donations to Special Olympics are appreciated.
Free parent, family workshop offered
POLSON — A free parent and family education workshop, “Effective Communication in Families,” will be taught at Linderman School, 312 Fourth Ave. E, by Families First Learning Lab. This event begins at 5:30 p.m. and goes until 8 p.m. Free childcare and dinner will be provided. Have you ever wondered why you talk and your children just don’t respond as you expect? In this class, you will learn about what is underneath parent and child communication and how to unveil great results just by learning a few things to create connection, collaboration and healthy communication with your child. It is hard work being a parent. In this class you will learn how to cope with the everyday struggles of being a parent and bring home some practical tools to live a healthier life with your kids.
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Agricultural producers encouraged to enroll soon
WASHINGTON, D.C. — USDA’s Farm Service Agency encourages agricultural producers to enroll now in the Agriculture Risk Loss and Price Loss Coverage programs. March 15, 2020, is the enrollment deadline. Call today to make an appointment at 800-439-1420.