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Forgiveness helps after being triggered

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It occurs to me, with all the things going on in America right now, that we need to practice what my spiritually based social-teachings advocate. It is covered in one word. The word is “forgiveness.” This word can mean different things to different people. This is what it means to me. See what you think.

Forgiveness, for me, is a very active response mechanism. When I am negatively triggered by something I see or hear, choosing forgiveness immediately shifts my impulse from anger and attack to seeking a peaceful solution. I am reminded to relax and listen. It becomes a shift in my perception, especially in my interactions with other people. It encourages less judgment and more thoughtfulness. It encourages less preaching and more dialogue with others. It encourages listening and gaining a better understanding of differing points of view. It often even causes me to change my mind on a subject.   

For me, this mind-choice helps me focus upon the subject at hand rather than upon judging the other person. This is a very important mind-shift for me in this whole process.

Life is a classroom. I hope to continue practicing my forgiveness lessons. Listen rather than talk. Explore rather than judge. Dialogue rather than preach. Smile rather than frown. Such are my lessons in forgiveness.   

Bob McClellan



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