Briefs for Feb. 20, 2019
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Dixon school to celebrate 100th birthday
DIXON – Plans are underway to celebrate the 100th birthday of the Dixon school. The school, as it stands to this day, opened in 1919. The school evolved from a one-room, one-teacher school to its present building consisting of grades one through 12 and a gymnasium.
Birthday celebrations are planned for the middle of August. Tentative plans are for a parade, memorial wall, breakfast, dance, t-shirts, karaoke, music, story telling, farmers market, river activities, school tour, etc. However, to make things happen, volunteers and participants are needed. If you have suggestions or want to participate or volunteer, please call Shirley Broderick Christiansen at 604-644-2323.
Learn about ‘dark money’
PABLO — Can your vote be bought and at what cost? Will you even know it? And what is “dark money,” anyway? Join Mission Valley Rises and Flathead Reservation Human Rights Coalition for a free showing of Kimberly Reed’s award-winning independent film, “Dark Money.” Follow Montana journalist John S. Adams as he explores how these important questions affect our state’s elections and therefore our families and communities.
Join us at the beautiful Johnny Arlee/Victor Charlo Theater on the SKC campus at 1 p.m. on Feb. 23 to view the film and follow it up with a lively community conversation.
Area legionnaires expected for spring meeting in Ronan
RONAN — Glen Sharbono, commander of American Legion Post No. 138 in Ronan, said about 60 legionnaires and members of the auxiliary are expected to attend the spring meeting of District No. 4 on Sunday, April 28.
Sharbono said there are about 1,100 legionnaires in District No. 4. The posts are located in Thompson Falls, Columbia Falls, Eureka, Bigfork, Libby, St. Ignatius, Whitefish, Polson, Arlee, Charlo, Paradise, Kalispell and Ronan.
Registration will begin at 9 a.m. at the Ronan Senior Center located at the end of Main Street across from the hospital. At 10 a.m., the program will begin.
A joint banquet will begin at noon at the post with Department Commander Richard Klose of Laurel as guest speaker and special guest leading candidate for national commander Bill Oxford of North Carolina.
The legion business meeting will begin at 1:30 p.m. at the Ronan Senior Center. District commander Glen Sharbono of Ronan will conduct the legion meeting. District president Pamela Monroe of Eureka will conduct the auxiliary meeting.