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Parenting program supports caregivers, kids

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LAKE COUNTY – Parenting can be difficult. All parents at one time or another feel lost about how to fulfill their child’s needs. It can be intimidating to ask for help sometimes, especially when we don’t know where to turn to for help or what to expect. The good news is that help is out there for parents and caregivers willing to take that step. The Circle of Security Parenting program is one of those programs that can help.

COSP is based on decades of research about how secure parent-child relationships can be supported and strengthened. The research also shows that the first five years of life are the most important years in a child’s development, and what does or does not happen during those years will have a profound impact on that child’s life.

Jack Wright, one of the Mission Valley’s child development experts, has stated, “More people need to understand that caregivers can be a major change agent for children when they understand how to educate children without creating anxiety.” For many of us, childrearing itself causes anxiety. Depending on our own experiences, we can be “triggered” in ways that we do not often understand. Circle of Security allows us the time and space to reflect on how we were raised, our current parenting skills, and the skills we want to learn. People actually have all the answers; they just may need some guidance to help find them.

The Lake County Public Health Department, in partnership with Sunburst Mental Health, is committed to making the lives of our youngest citizens better. Together, they are offering the Circle of Security program free of charge to area parents and other caregivers. This class is beneficial to anyone, as its tenets are universal.

Learning objectives of the Circle of Security Parenting training are to: 1) Understand your child’s emotional world by learning to read the emotional needs; 2) Support your child’s ability to successfully manage emotions; 3) Enhance the development of your child’s self-esteem; and 4) Honor your innate wisdom and desire for your child to be secure.

Several options are available for enrolling in this class. It meets weekly for seven to eight weeks and will be provided whenever and wherever there is a need. The ideal class size is eight to 12 participants. Classes can be tailored to the needs of the participants. If you are part of a group that would like to take the training, we can set that up, or those who are interested can watch for news of the next offering. The class is video-based with trained facilitators who encourage reflection and sharing as a way to augment the lessons. The environment is non-judgmental and a safe place to share concerns.

One of the first COSP sessions will take place through the Polson Adult Education program. Classes will be held weekly on Thursdays from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. at the Polson High School Library, beginning Jan. 31. Call Jen at 406-883-7373 or email her at jblumberg@ for more information and/or to sign up. Watch the Valley Journal calendar listings for this and future COSP offerings.

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