City of Polson shares strategic plan
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News from the City of Polson
POLSON – The City of Polson Strategic Plan for 2018-2021, developed by the City Commissioners, City staff and input from the public, was adopted on August 20, 2018.
The plan is being used to guide the city’s goals and priorities, to further the mission of providing quality municipal services for citizens, businesses and visitors.
“Having an adopted Strategic Plan allows us to focus our energy and resources on priority projects,” said Kyle Roberts, Polson City planner. “The planning process provided the opportunity for the Commissioners, staff, and public to weigh in and identify project priorities. We know how effective having a plan is as evidenced by the progress that was made in implementing the 2016 Strategic Plan.”
Through a series of strategic planning sessions, five-goal themes were established as well as action strategies for each. The goal themes are:
—Community Outreach and Partnerships
—Planning and Annexation
—Funding and Finance
—Organizational Capacity Building
—Infrastructure and Facilities
Clint Cottle, fire chief and streets administrator, said the process that the mayor, City Commission and city staff used to develop and ultimately adopt the city’s strategic plan was extremely beneficial in many ways.
"The work sessions opened up an important dialog that ultimately formed the roadmap to move forward with important issues within the city. As a department head, it was important to be able to give input on issues that face my department and learn the priorities of the mayor and commissioners," Cottle said.
One of the priorities that came from the process is the need for a Public Safety Building.
"Knowing the mayor and commission see the need for a Public Safety Building and are committed to improving public safety for our community is invaluable. I look forward to working with the mayor and commission as this project moves forward," Cottle said.
The City of Polson Strategic Plan can be viewed online at A printed copy is also available at Polson City Hall, located at 106 1st St. East in Polson.