American Legion Post #138 shares highlights
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News from American Legion Post #138
This is an annual summary of Ronan Post #138 to inform our membership and the community of our progress as an American Legion Post. Our Legion year was July 1, 2017 to June 30, 2018. Our membership ended at 123.64 percent of the goal for 2018 with 68 members paid. In that time our members have committed as best able to the Four Pillars of the American Legion. The following is a list of our accomplishments:
Over 175 hours were provided in more than 25 funerals giving our fallen comrades their final honors as members of the Veterans Honor Guard.
Several members have donated hundreds of hours giving veterans rides to the VA Medical Centers, as well as driving for the Council for the Aging.
We have participated in the Memorial Day parade and ceremonies, reciting the Medal of Honor citation for Laverne Parish at the Ronan Cemetery.
An American Legion birthday celebration was held in March, hosted by the Auxiliary. Members are presented continuous membership awards 5, 10, 15, etc. Legionnaire Paul Metzger has been a member for 62 years.
American Legion members participated in the 4th of July parade, Veteran’s Day ceremony and Gold Star Mothers Ceremony.
Post 138 of Ronan was only able to send one boy, Tyler Joachim, to American Legion Boys State at Carroll College in Helena at a cost of $300.
Only one student from the Ronan High School participated this year in the American Legion High School Oratorical Scholarship Program, whereas last year we had three. Jacob Dresen took first place winning a $75 scholarship and advanced by default to the District #4 level in Polson.
Ronan Post #138 sponsors a Junior Shooting Sports team in conjunction with the Lake County 4-H Shooting Team. There are three boys and one girl participating, ages 12-15.
The Post held a Bow Raffle fundraiser for a Dan Toelke Traditional Archery Bow. Tom Leafty was the winner.
We had a $100 Christmas Dinner Raffle and Brenda Metzger was the winner.
In conjunction with local VFW Post 5652, we co-hosted a community appreciation dinner for the clean up crew.
The Highway Fatality Marker Committee maintains nearly 40 markers from Courville Trail in Pablo south to Dublin Gulch Road, including Round Butte and Back Roads. The markers were GPS-tagged and Lake County GIS made a map with an overlay of all the markers.
Post #138 has received an honor ribbon for achieving 100 percent membership before Dec. 31, 2017 for the 2018 membership year. Post 138 has received 100 percent membership for four years in a row now. Also, in the past four years the Post has seen a 200 percent growth in membership. The Post also received its first ever Post Excellence Award from the National Commander Denise Rohan. The Post Newsletter published by the Adjutant won best newsletter for 2018 for a small post. Each month a Post Newsletter is published at Please sign up and login - it’s free and you can download a copy of your membership card as well as information about your Post, Department, and National events.
Our Auxiliary is strong and growing under the leadership and guidance of President Lorie Noble. Along with the Auxiliary, this Post has been able to win our fourth American Legion Family Ribbon for both the Post and Auxiliary having achieved 100 percent membership. The Ronan Post and Unit were the second of 128 Posts in the (State) Department of Montana to receive the Family ribbon and one of only 1300 Posts nationally out of 14,000.
2019 is the 100th birthday of the American Legion and the State Convention will be held in Polson, Montana in June.
The Post has also received a Certificate of Meritorious Service from National Headquarters.
Small donations are collected at each of our monthly meetings for the Child Welfare Foundation, established in 1954 for the betterment of children in this country. Anyone who wishes to contribute may contact the Post.
If you are interested in advancing in the American Legion, there are several ways to increase your knowledge of this organization and its programs. The first best place to start is with American Legion Basic Training available free online to all members of the Legion, Auxiliary and Sons of the Legion.
These programs that you just read about are made possible with your membership investment for which we are very grateful. Your membership is also your voice on Capitol Hill to protect your rights as a veteran. Ronan Post #138 is growing and has several programs available that we are trying to promote in service to the community - which is why an active membership is so vital to the success of this Post. If you are willing and able please, attend a meeting and find the best fit for you.
Thank you for supporting the American Legion, Post #138 of Ronan and its Auxiliary.