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The weather is getting nicer and before long we can start complaining about the heat. Seems like we can’t find a happy medium.
There will be a few things going on at the Ronan Senior Center in May. On May 7 we will hold our monthly board meeting at 10 a.m. On Thursday, May 10, our monthly evening meal will take place. The foot clinic will be here on Wednesday, May 16. We also have a lady who comes to clean your hearing aids. There will be arts and crafts done every Wednesday afternoon after lunch. If you have a craft you are working on, bring it and come join the fun and fellowship.
The center will be closed on Monday, May 28, in observance of Memorial Day.
The menu for the week;
— Wednesday, May 2: Shepherd’s Pie, bread, salad, dessert
— Friday, May 4: liver/onions, potatoes, veggies, salad, dessert
— Monday, May 7: meatloaf, mac ‘n cheese, veggies, salad, dessert
— Wednesday, May 9: Polish dogs, toppings, salad, dessert
— Thursday, May 10: evening meal - pork roast, potatoes, veggies, salad, dessert
Prices for the Monday, Wednesday and Friday meals are $4 for those 60 and over and $5 for those under 60. The cost of the Thursday meal is $5 per person.
You don’t have to be a senior to come and join us. We have a lot good fellowship and wonderful food and all are welcome. The quote of the month on our May menu seems highly appropriate. It says, “ When you are looking at your mother you are looking at the purest love you will ever know.”
Have a good week everyone and enjoy the sunshine, but as in all things, do it in moderation and remember to stay hydrated and avoid illness