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POLSON — I walked into a spider web and did a week’s worth of cardio exercises.

There will be an AARP Safe Driving Course taught on April 17. Call 406-883-4735 to get on the list. (Last week my typo said April 7.)  That would have been a Saturday – oops.

Also on April 17, the veterans’ representative will be here from 10 a.m.-noon.

The toenail clinic is scheduled for April 11 from 10 a.m.-noon.

April 12 is the last day to have your taxes done here at the Polson Senior Center.

Alice is back so Friday night Bingo will be back on a regular schedule.

Senior bowling results for April 3 saw Cris Alter roll a 253 game and a 586 series. Don Young had a 232 high game. Larry Alter had a 660 series and a 768 handicap series and rounding out the high handicap series was Liz King with a 729.

The lunch menu for the coming week:

Thursday, April 12: sloppy Joes, tater tots

Friday, April 13: beef Stroganoff, noodles

Monday, April 16: taco soup, corn bread muffins

Tuesday, April 17: French dip sandwich, fries

Wednesday, 18: sweet-n-sour chicken, rice

All meals include vegetables and a dessert.

Lunch is served from 11:45 a.m.-12:30 p.m.


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