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ARLEE — Officers were elected at the Jan. 15 meeting to lead the Arlee Senior Center for the upcoming year. Marie Gillette is president, Judie Miller is vice- president, and Anne Stewart will continue as the secretary-treasurer. During the annual meeting held Jan. 13, three board members, whose terms had expired at the end of 2017, were re-elected to serve again on the Board of Directors – they are Anne Stewart, Marie Gillette, and Bob Hayes.
Our center members have enjoyed Bingo games after Saturday dinners in past years, and there is interest expressed to start this again following the two Saturday evening meals. After the second Saturday dinner on Jan. 27, we will play six games of Bingo, with the last game being a black-out game.
As in the past, cards will be $1 each.
During the Wednesday, Jan. 31, lunch, the name of the winner of the$50 attendance prize will be drawn. You do not have to be present for the drawing, but if you are, a little surprise token gift awaits you.
Meals are served Monday, Wednesday and Friday of each week at noon, and on the second and fourth Saturday evenings of each month at 6 p.m. Menus for the last five meals of January are:
— Wednesday, Jan. 24: chicken fajitas, Spanish rice, fruit, dessert
— Friday, Jan. 26: clam chowder with ham sandwich, fruit, dessert
— Saturday, Jan. 27: roast beef with baked potatoes, salad, fruit, Jell-O, chocolate cake
—Monday, Jan. 29: Philly steak sandwich, chips, green salad, fruit, dessert
— Wednesday, Jan. 31: Salisbury steak in gravy, potatoes, buttered carrots, fruit, dessert
Weather permitting, and if you happen to remember, check out the first Blue Moon of 2018 on Wednesday, Jan. 31. According to the Farmer’s Almanac, the only eclipse of this year will also occur at the same time, and will be visible west of the Mississippi. It will be a busy Wednesday.