Ronan Post 138 congratulates bow winner
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News from American Legion Post 138
RONAN — On Veterans Day the Ronan Post 138 held a drawing for a Dan Toelke custom bow and the winner was Tom Leafty of Ronan. Tom is a 15-year member of the American Legion, the Post Chaplain and American Legion Boys State Chairman. Tom is also the Spanish teacher at Ronan High School.
Post 138 would like to thank Mayor Kim Aipperspach for drawing the winning ticket and Dan Toelke for his very generous help with the raffle. Tom will get to choose from a vast variety of custom woods and styles for his bow, which will take about eight weeks to build.
Ronan Post 138 gives a special thank you to Dan Toelke for making it possible to fulfill our Americanism programs of The American Legion High School Constitutional Oratorical Contest and sending a boy to American Legion Boys State. Please give Dan Toelke’s website a view at:
Thank you to everyone who participated in the raffle.