Envision Polson provides committee updates
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News from Envision Polson
The following committee news is shared by the Envision Polson community group.
Beautification Committee: Because there have been few nominations of outstanding Christmas yard decorations in recent years, the Beautification Committee has decided not to sponsor the “Celebrate the Season of Light” lighting contest this year. The Committee still encourages homeowners and businesses to continue making Polson shine in December.
The Committee also noted that fundraising for the beautiful hanging baskets that line our downtown community each summer is an ongoing effort. If interested in contributing, please contact the Polson Chamber of Commerce at 883-5969.
Year-Round Recreation Committee: The Year-Round Recreation Committee reported that the Montana Senior Olympics will once again be held in Polson the third week of June 2018. Also noted was that the Mission Valley Ice Arena Committee is working on the capital campaign to begin building the facility. The ice arena will be located near the aquatic center and the soccer fields and is projected to enhance and grow Polson’s winter economy.
The Committee also noted that preparations for the annual Flathead Lake International Cinemafest (FLIC) are underway. There are some great ways to get involved, including a Supporting Cast Sponsorship of just $50. For more information, visit flicpolson.com.
Vibrant Downtown Committee: The Parade of Lights is set for Friday, Dec. 1. “Buy Local” will be emphasized now through Christmas, with both the Polson Business Community and the Polson Chamber of Commerce offering Holiday Bucks, which make wonderful Christmas gifts.
Health & Wellness Committee: The Health & Wellness Committee reported that there is now a dermatologist on staff at St. Joseph hospital. They also provided a reminder of the annual Turkey Trot to be held on Thanksgiving morning at 9 a.m., starting at Century 21. See polsonrunning.com for more information.
Economic Development Committee: The Economic Development Committee reported that Leadership Flathead Reservation is underway with 25 community leaders attending the kick-off retreat. This is a nine-month program with monthly workshops from September 2017 through May 2018, and is patterned after Leadership Montana, Leadership Missoula and Leadership Kalispell.