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POLSON — My therapist said that my narcissism causes me to misread social situations. I’m pretty sure she was hitting on me.
As can happen with all champions, Vivian Ross was off of her game at senior bowling and took a back seat last week to Claudia Barry who swept the women’s high game (176), series and handicap series. Unfortunately, my team bowled against hers and we got “it” handed to us. There is no “I” in team, however, as her man Jesse, and Larry Lawin both turned in exceptional games. Jack Adamson had a high game of 236, and took high series for men while the aforementioned Larry had the high handicap series.
In Tuesday’s Bridge action on Oct. 24, Max Neeley was first with Rosemary McClain second. No scores available for Friday so I don’t know if someone beat Max.
Bingo will be suspended for the months of November and December.
The lunch menu for the coming week:
— Thursday, Nov. 2: cheeseburgers with macaroni salad
— Friday, Nov. 3: sausage gravy biscuits
— Monday, Nov. 6: burger macaroni soup, rolls
— Tuesday, Nov. 7: pork cutlets, whipped potatoes
— Wednesday, Nov. 8: burger stroganoff, noodles
All meals include vegetables and a dessert.
Lunch is served from 11:45 a.m.-12:30 p.m.