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POLSON — Whatever happened to Preparations A thru G?
Vivian Ross continued her winning ways at senior bowling last week, rolling a women’s high game of 216. Tim Basta scored high for the men with 241. Those two also swept series and handicap series but Sharon Sansone’s and Jack Adamson’s handicap series of 758 and 769 respectively, deserve honorable mention.
In Tuesday’s Bridge action on Oct. 17, Chuck Aker took first with Rosemary McClain second. Friday saw the same two but they switched places.
And you too can be a winner at our Friday night Bingo games. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. and the action begins at 7 p.m.
The lunch menu for the coming week:
— Thursday, Oct. 26: vegetable soup, French bread, pasta salad
— Friday, Oct. 27: baked ham, scalloped potatoes
— Monday, Oct. 30: baked “Mac” fish, potato wedges
— Tuesday, Oct. 31: Wicked Wanda’s homemade chili, cheesy bat bread
— Wednesday, Nov. 1: Not available at press time.
All meals include vegetables and a dessert. Lunch is served from 11:45 a.m.-12:30 p.m.