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rs in the world were lined up end to end, you can bet somebody would pull out to pass.
Gardening and golf are apparently done for the season so bridge is played on Tuesdays again. Max Neeley had the high score and Rosemary McClain came in second place. On Friday, those two switched places with Rosemary in first place.
At senior bowling, once again Vivian Ross showed her stuff by sweeping high game, series and handicap series with 218, 464 and 746. Jesse Barry scored 223, Bob Elsberry scored 607 and Jack Adamson scored 728 and shared honors in the men’s division. Yours truly began bowling with them now that I am retired, averaging 183.
A Bailey Insurance representative will be here on Friday, Oct. 20, from 1:30-3:30 p.m.
The lunch menu for the coming week:
— Thursday, Oct. 19: turkey salad, rolls
— Friday, Oct. 20: Mediterranean sandwich, potato wedges
— Monday, Oct. 23: stuffed pepper soup, cornbread muffins
— Tuesday, Oct. 24: baked chicken, whipped potatoes
— Wednesday, Oct. 25: Polish dogs, baked beans
All meals include veggies and a dessert. Lunch is served from 11:45 a.m.-12:30 p.m.