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Drift racing debuts in Mission Valley

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PABLO – The vooorrrr, vooorrrr, vooorrrr sound of souped-up race cars carried across the old Plum Creek mill log yard on Saturday and Sunday as racing enthusiasts gathered for the inaugural Montana Drift Bash.

More than 20 drivers from around Montana, Idaho and Washington showcased their drifting skills as they negotiated the makeshift track.

Drifting, which originated in Japan, is a form of car racing where the driver intentionally oversteers, with loss of traction in the rear wheels or all tires, while maintaining control and driving the car through the entirety of a corner.

“I always have had a love for cars,” event organizer Theron Whiting said. “The moment I first saw drifting I knew it was something I wanted to do. There are no drift events in Montana. I wanted to give people the experience of drifting and the ones who do drift I wanted to give them the chance to do it without having to travel over four hours to do so.”

Whiting went on to say that the drivers loved the track and that the spectators enjoyed the ride alongs.

“I feel the event went extremely well,” Whiting said. “We plan on making this an annual thing.”

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