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POLSON — The optimist believes the glass is half full. The pessimist believes it is half empty. The mother just wants to know why you didn’t use a coaster.
Yours truly is now a coaster - now that I have retired. I will continue writing this column, however.
The toenail clinic will be held here on Oct. 11 from 10 a.m.-noon.
Ryan, the veterans’ representative will not be here on Friday, Oct. 6, due to a training class but will be back on Tuesday, Oct. 17, at the regular time, 10 a.m.-noon.
The AARP Safe Driving class will be held on Oct. 17 from 9 a.m.-2 p.m. with a break for lunch. I know that’s almost two weeks away but you can plan for it.
Herb Sorensen brought us a box of tomatoes and Nancy Hauserman brought in several dozen ears of corn. These donations are much appreciated and help our food program.
Last Friday at Bridge, Chuck Aker was first and Rosemary McClean was second.
In senior bowling last Tuesday, Vivian Ross, that little rascal, swept high game, series, and handicap series for women. Jim Funke had the men’s high game with his 266 while Don Young had high series and handicap series.
The lunch menu for the coming week:
— Thursday, Oct. 5: tacos, salsa, sour cream
— Friday, Oct. 6: cheeseburger, potato salad
— Monday, Oct. 9: chicken noodle soup
— Tuesday, Oct. 10: hot beef sandwich, whipped potatoes
— Wednesday, Oct. 11: pork oven stew
All meals include vegetables and a dessert.