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Lake County Fair Results

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Lake County Fair

July  23-30, 2017


Class A - Wool Fleece

Lot 1 - Pure Bred wool fleece

1st  Lorrie  Lake   Polson, MT

2nd  Susan  Gardner  Charlo, MT


Lot 2 - Farm Flock fleece

1st  Lorrie  Lake  Polson, MT

2nd  Donna  Peck  Charlo, MT

3rd  Susan  GardnerCharlo, MT


Class C - Spinning and Weaving

Lot 1 - Yardage

1st  Barbara  Shrider  Polson, MT

2nd  Helen  Hoyt  Saint Ignatius, MT


Lot 2 - Cloth-Woven

1st  Kim  Detert  Charlo, MT

2nd  Donna  PeckCharlo, MT 


Lot 3 - Home furnishing woven

1st  Katrina  Ruhnland  Saint Ignatius, MT

2nd  Barbara  Shrider  Polson, MT

3rd  Donna  Peck  Charlo, MT


Lot 5 - Felted and Wadmal

1st  Judy  Colvin  Saint Ignatius, MT


Lot 6 - Handspinning

1st  Barbara  Shrider  Polson, MT

2nd  Barbara  Shrider  Polson, MT

3rd  Anna  Lonnerik  Polson, MT


Department 2 - ARTS, OPEN CLASS

Class A - 6 to 8 years

Lot 191 - Mixed Media Miscellaneous

1st  Ashton  Bird  Ronan, MT

2nd  Berlin  Bird  Ronan, MT


Lot 192 - Mixed Media Miscellaneous

1st  Berlin  Bird  Ronan, MT

2nd  Ashton  Bird  Ronan, MT


Lot 206 - Recycled Materials Misc.

2nd  Ashton  Bird  Ronan, MT


Class B - 9 to 13 years

Lot 41 - Watercolors Scenery

1st  Lina Sturman  Saint Ignatius, MT


Lot 46 - Watercolors Miscellaneous

1st  Elsie  Detert  Charlo, MT


Lot 96 - Pencil Miscellaneous

2nd  Nora  Webster  Ronan, MT


Lot 97 - Pencil Miscellaneous

2nd  Nora  Webster  Ronan, MT


Lot 98 - Pencil Miscellaneous

1st  Nora  Webster  Ronan, MT


Lot 181 - Mixed Media Animals

1st  Sydney  Taylor  Ronan, MT


Class C - 14 to 20 years

Lot 101 - Acrylic

1st  Ashley  Shenyer  Charlo, MT


Lot 102 - Acrylic

2nd  Ashley  Shenye  rCharlo, MT


Lot 191 - Mixed Media Miscellaneous

3rd  Ashley  Shenyer  Charlo, MT


Lot 192 - Mixed Media Miscellaneous

1st  Ashley  Shenyer  Charlo, MT


Lot 193 - Mixed Media Miscellaneous

1st  Ashley  Shenyer  Charlo, MT


Lot 194 - Mixed Media Miscellaneous

1st  Ashley  Shenyer  Charlo, MT


Class D - 21 to 54 years

Lot 101 - Acrylic

1st  Lorrie  Lake  Polson, MT

2nd  Connie  Romero  Ronan, MT


Lot 102 - Acrylic

1st  Lorrie  Lake  Polson, MT

2nd  Connie  Romero  Ronan, MT


Lot 103 - Acrylic

1st  Connie  Romero  Ronan, MT

2nd  Lorrie  Lake  Polson, MT


Lot 104 - Acrylic

1st  Connie  Romero  Ronan, MT


Lot 105 - Acrylic 

1st  Connie  Romero  Ronan, MT


Lot 191 - Mixed Media Miscellaneous

1st  Karl  Bjergo  Polson, MT


Lot 206 - Recycled Materials Misc.

1st  Karl  Bjergo  Polson, MT


Class E - 55 and older

Lot 35 - Watercolors Floral

1st  George  Beaudoin  Ronan, MT


Lot 102 - Acrylic

3rd  Debbie  Demarais  Ronan, MT


Lot 103 - Acrylic

1st  Debbie  Demarais  Ronan, MT


Lot 104 - Acrylic

2nd  Debbie  Demarais  Ronan, MT


Lot 105 - Acrylic

2nd  Debbie  Demarais  Ronan, MT


Lot 191 - Mixed Media Miscellaneous

1st  Debbie  Demarais  Ronan, MT



Class E - 55 AND OLDER

Lot 10 - Dolls

1st  Debbie  Demarais  Ronan, MT


Lot 11 - Any other Collection

1st  Debbie  Demarais  Ronan, MT



Class E - 55 and older

Lot 2 - Whittling

1st  George  Beaudoin  Ronan, MT


Department 6 - CRAFTS,  OPEN CLASS

Class A - 6-8 years old

Lot 8 - Stichery, weaving/yarn craft

2nd  Allen  Detert


Class B - 9-13 years

Lot 7 - Decorative Painting

1st  Kiara  Sherman  Ronan, MT


1st  Kiara  Sherman  Ronan, MT

2nd  Coleton  Sherman  Ronan, MT


Class D - 21-54 years

Lot 20 - Any other craft

1st  Lorrie  Lake  Polson, MT


Class E - 55 and older

Lot 8 - Stichery, weaving/yarn craft

1st  Anna  Lonnerik  Polson, MT


Lot 10 - Jewelry

1st  Debbie  Demarais  Ronan, MT


Lot 14 - Bead Project

1st  Debbie  Demarais  Ronan, MT


Lot 20 - Any other craft

1st  Tina  Hoover  Ronan, MT

1st  Tina  Hoover  Ronan, MT

1st  Tina  HooverRonan, MT

1st  Anna  Lonnerik  Polson, MT

1st  Anna  Lonnerik  Polson, MT

1st  George  Beaudoin  Ronan, MT 

1st  George  Beaudoin  Ronan, MT 

2nd  Debbie  Demarais  Ronan, MT


Lot 21 - Any other craft

1st  Debbie  Demarais  Ronan, MT

1st  George  Beaudoin  Ronan, MT

1st  George  Beaudoin  Ronan, MT

1st  George  Beaudoin  Ronan, MT


Class F - Professional Class

Lot 21 - Any other craft

1st  Tina  Hoover  Ronan, MT

1st  Tina  Hoover  Ronan, MT  

1st  Tina  Hoover  Ronan, MT



Class A - 6-8 years

Lot 2 - Quick Bread Fruit or vegetable

1st  Aaron  Luke  Polson, MT


Class B - 9-13 years

Lot 31 - Cookies - drop (3)

1st  Grace  Simonich  Polson, MT


Lot 67 - Yogurt

2nd  Sara  Maldonado  Polson, MT


Class D - 21-54 years

Lot 14 - Yeast Bread 1/2 loaf any type

1st  Judy  Smith  Ronan, MT


Lot 93 - Food Preserve  Jam 1/2 pt.

1st  Trina  Shenyer  Charlo, MT


Class E - 55 and older

Lot 70 - Fruit Preserve 1qt. any type

3rd   Edward  Larson  Ronan, MT


Lot 75 - Veg. Preserve 1qt. any type

2nd  Edward  Larson  Ronan, MT


Lot 101 - Relish

2nd  Edward  Larson  Ronan, MT


Lot 102 - Any other pickel item

3rd  Edward  Larson  Ronan, MT



Class D - 21-54

Lot 6 - Any other doll

1st  Kim  Detert  Charlo, MT


Class E - 55 and older

Lot 6 - Any other doll

1st  Debbie  Demarais  Ronan, MT


Department 10 - FIVE & UNDER, OPEN CLASS

Class A - Five and Under

Lot 1 - Art Drawing or picture

1st  Jennavee  Blixt  Pablo, MT


Lot 3 - One flower arrangement

1st  Jennavee  Blixt  Pablo, MT

1st  Blake  Blixt  Pablo, MT

1st  Hailey  Blixt  Pablo, MT


Lot 4 - One favorite garden fru/veg

1st  Jennavee  Blixt  Pablo, MT

1st  Blake  Blixt  Pablo, MT

1st  Hailey  Blixt  Pablo, MT



Class D - 21-54 years

Lot 37 - Any other potted plant garden

1st  Lorrie  Lake  Polson, MT


Lot 52 - Summer Bounty hanging basket

1st  Lorrie  Lake  Polson, MT


Class E - 55 and older

Lot 53 - Dried Flower Spring

3rd  Debbie  Demarais  Ronan, MT


Lot 54 - Dried Flower Summer

1st  Debbie  Demarais  Ronan, MT


Lot 55 - Dried Flower Fall

2nd  Debbie  Demarais  Ronan, MT


Lot 60 - Mini Floral Aggangement

3rd  Debbie  Demarais  Ronan, MT



Class D - 21-54 years

Lot 26 - Cucumber pickling (5)

3rd  Amy  Webster  Ronan, MT


Lot 33 - Onions, white (3)

3rd  Amy  Webster  Ronan, MT


Lot 35 - Peas (12 pods)

1st  Amy  Webste  rRonan, MT


Lot 81 - Parsley curled leaf

1st  Amy  Webster  Ronan, MT


Lot 84 - Sage

1st  Amy  Webster  Ronan, MT


Class E - 55 and older

Lot 77 - Lavender

3rd  Debbie  Demarais  Ronan, MT


Lot 84 - Sage

2nd  Debbie  Demarais  Ronan, MT


Lot 87 - Any other herb

3rd  Debbie  Demarais  Ronan, MT


Lot 88 - Aggangement of fresh herbs

2nd  Debbie  Demarais  Ronan, MT


Lot 89 - Aggangement of dried herbs

2nd  Debbie  Demarais  Ronan, MT



Class A - 6-8 years

Lot 20 - Any other

2nd  Berlin  Bird  Ronan, MT


Class B - 9-13 years

Lot 2 - Hand Knitting, any article

2nd  Elsie  Detert  Charlo, MT


Lot 18 - Stuffed toy, doll, animal

1st  Sara  Maldonado  Polson, MT


Class C - 14-20 years

Lot 10 - Machine sewn quilt

2nd  Payton  Dupuis  Polson, MT


Class D - 21-54 years

Lot 8 - Machine embroidered article

1st  Judy  Smith  Ronan, MT


Class E - 55 and older

Lot 1 - Crocheting, any article

1st  Kathy  Morris  Saint Ignatius, MT


Lot 2 - Hand Knitting, any article

1st  Barbara  Shrider  Polson, MT

2nd  Barbara  Shrider  Polson, MT



Class A - 6-8 years

Lot 8 - Sunrise,Sunset

1st  Allen  Detert 


Class B - 9-13 years

Lot 1 - People

1st  Mira  Corum  Ronan, MT


Lot 3 - Animals

1st  Lina Sturman, Saint Ignatius, MT

2nd  Madison  Wullis  Ronan, MT


Lot 6 - Close-Up Flower

1st  Mira  Corum  Ronan, MT


Lot 7 - Close-Up General

1st  Mira  Corum  Ronan, MT


Lot 8 - Sunirse, Sunset

1st  Elsie  Detert  Charlo, MT


Lot 10 - Water

1st  Mira  Corum  Ronan, MT


Lot 16 - Framed 8x10 any subject

1st  Madison  Wullis  Ronan, MT


Class C - 14-20  years

Lot 1 - People

1st  Alyssa  Young  Charlo, MT

2nd  Alyssa  Young  Charlo, MT


Lot 3 - Animals

1st  Ashley  Shenyer  Charlo, MT


Lot 8 - Sunrise, Sunset

1st   Ashley  Shenyer  Charlo, MT

2nd   Ashley  Shenyer  Charlo, MT


Lot 9 - Sports/Action

1st  Ashley  Shenyer  Charlo, MT


Lot 12 - Digitally Enhanced or Created

1st Micah  McClure  Ronan, MT


Lot 14 - Any Other

1st Alyssa  Young  Charlo, MT

2nd  Alyssa  Young  Charlo, MT


Class D - 21-54 years

Lot 1 - People

1st  Lorrie  Lake  Polson, MT


Lot 2 - Nature

1st  Trina  Shenyer  Charlo, MT

2nd  Lorrie  Lake  Polson, MT


Lot 3 - Animals

1st  Lorrie  Lake  Polson, MT

2nd  Trina  Shenyer  Charlo, MT

3rd  Monica  McClure  Ronan, MT


Lot 4 - Landscape

1st  Trina  Shenyer  Charlo, MT

2nd  Monica  McClure  Ronan, MT


Lot 6 - Close-up Flower

1st Trina  Shenyer Charlo, MT

2nd Trina  Shenyer Charlo, MT


Lot 7 - Close-Up General

1st  Trina  Shenyer  Charlo, MT


Lot 8 - Sunrise, Sunset

1st  Monica  McClure  Ronan, MT

2nd  Trina  Shenyer  Charlo, MT


Lot 10 - Water

1st  Trina  Shenyer  Charlo, MT


Lot 14 - Any Other

1st  Trina  Shenyer  Charlo, MT

2nd  Trina  Shenyer  Charlo, MT


3rdTrina  ShenyerCharlo, MT


Lot 16 - Framed 8x10 any subject

1st  Kim  Detert  Charlo, MT


Class E - 55 and older

Lot 2 - Nature

2nd  Debbie  Demarais  Ronan, MT


Lot 3 - Animals

1st  Debbie  Demarais  Ronan, MT


Lot 4 - Landscape

1st  Debbie  Demarais  Ronan, MT


Lot 6 - Close-Up Flower

1st  Debbie  Demarais  Ronan, MT


Lot 7 - Close-Up General

2nd  Debbie  Demarais  Ronan, MT


Lot 14 - Any Other

1st  Debbie  Demarais  Ronan, MT


Department 17 - POULTRY, OPEN CLASS

Class A - Standard Breeds

Lot 1 - Cockerel-under 1 year old

1st  Austin  Oberwegner  Polson, MT


Lot 2 - Pullet-under 1 year old

1st  Lilia  Mitchell  Pablo, MT


Lot 4 - Hen over 1 year old

1st  Lilia  Mitchell  Pablo, MT


Class B - Bantam Breeds

Lot 4 - Hen over 1 year old

1st  Lilia  Mitchell  Pablo, MT

2nd  Lilia  Mitchell  Pablo, MT 

3rd  Lilia  Mitchell  Pablo, MT


Class J - Medium Weight Ducks

Lot 1 - Young Drake - under 1 yr old

1st  Austin  Oberwegner  Polson, MT


Department 18 - RABBITS, OPEN CLASS

Class A - Heavy Weights/Commercial Breed

Lot 3 - Senior Doe over 6 months

1st  Debbie  Demarais  Ronan, MT


Lot 4 - Senior Buck over 6 months

1st  Debbie  Demarais  Ronan, MT


Class B - Light Weight or Small Breeds

Lot 3 - Senior Doe over 6 months

1st  Debbie  Demarais  Ronan, MT


Lot 4 - Senior Buck over 6 months

1st  Debbie  Demarais  Ronan, MT


Class C - Dwarf Breeds

Lot 3 - Senior Doe over 6 months

1st  Debbie  Demarais  Ronan, MT


Class D - Fur/Wool Breeds

Lot 3 - Senior Doe over 6 months

2nd  Debbie  Demarais  Ronan, MT


Lot 4 - Senior Buck over 6 months

1st  Debbie  Demarais  Ronan, MT


Class E - Crossbred or Mixed Breed

Lot 1 - Junior Doe under 6 months

1st  Finlay  TaylorRonan, MT

2nd  Maizey  McDonald  Charlo, MT  Charlo Junior Stockgrowers


Department 19 - SEWING, OPEN CLASS

Class A - 6 to 8 years

Lot 14 - Stuffed Doll/Toy

2nd  Allen  Detert


Class B - 9-13 years

Lot 8 - Dress

2nd  Brogan  Youngren  Ronan, MT


Lot 18 - Any other household item

1st  Sara  Maldonado  Polson, MT


Lot 25 - Quilting Machine

2nd  Sara  Maldonado  Polson, MT


Class D - 21-54 years

Lot 8 - Dress

1st  Judy  Smith  Ronan, MT


Class E - 55 and older

Lot 10 - Coat

1st  Michal Ann  Stedje  Ronan, MT


Lot 25 - Quilting Machine

1st  Julane  Matejovsky  Polson, MT



Class A - 6 TO 8 YEARS OLD

Lot 2 - Small toy under 12''

1st  Aaron  Luke  Polson, MT 

2nd  Ashton  Bird  Ronan, MT


Lot 6 - Pre-cut wood item

1st  Ashton  Bird  Ronan, MT

2nd  Berlin  Bird  Ronan, MT


Lot 7 - Any other wooden item

1st  Berlin  Bird  Ronan, MT

2nd  Ashton  Bird  Ronan, MT


Class B - 9 TO 12 YEARS OLD

Lot 14 - Wood item for home use

1st  Elsie  Detert  Charlo, MT


Class E - 55 AND OLDER

Lot 34 - Wood sculpture

1st  George  Beaudoin  Ronan, MT


Lot 35 - Creative design with wood

1st  George  Beaudoin  Ronan, MT


Lot 37 - Any other wooden item

1st  Debbie  Demarais  Ronan, MT


Department 402 - AEROSPACE

Class A - LIFT-OFF

Lot 1 - Lift Off

1st  Ryan  Kendall  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails 

2nd  Xavier  Ward  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails


Department 405 - BICYCLE

Class A - Bicycle for Fun Unit I

Lot 1 - Bicycle for Fun, Unit I

1st  Micaiah  Mitchell  Pablo, MT  Saddle Mountain 4-H Club

2nd  Xavier  Ward  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails


Department 406 - CAKE DECORATING

Class A - Level One

Lot 14 - Foam form

1st  Anna  Sheumaker  Charlo, MT  Charlo Junior Stockgrowers


Department 408 - CLOVERBUDS

Class A - Cloverbuds

Lot 1 - A Little Bit About Me

1st  Katherine  Bartel  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails 

1st  Rosalei  Robbins-Clatterbuck  Ronan, MT  Pistols and Ponytails

1st  Maizey  McDonald  Charlo, MT  Charlo Junior Stockgrowers

1st  Brynlee  Jennison  Polson, MT  Saddle Mountain 4-H Club

1st  Jace  Westphal  Polson, MT  Pend d'Orielle Gleaners

1st  Blair  Lytle  Ronan, MT  Round Butte Future Stockmen

1st  Alexa  Youngren  Ronan, MT  Rocky Mountain Explorers

1st  Liam Wills  Ronan, MT  Round Butte Future Stockmen

1st  04  Boden  Sloan  Ronan, MT  Pend d'Orielle Gleaners


Lot 2 - Create a critter

1st  Boden  Sloan  Ronan, MT  Pend d'Orielle Gleaners

1st  Brander  McCollum  Ronan, MT  Round Butte Future Stockmen

1st  Aaron  Luke  Polson, MT  Round Butte Future Stockmen

1st  Rosalei  Robbins-Clatterbuck  Ronan, MT  Pistols and Ponytails

1st  Maizey  McDonald  Charlo, MT  Charlo Junior Stockgrowers

1st  Allen  Detert  Charlo, MT  Charlo Junior Stockgrowers

1st  Brooklyn Leishman  St Ignatius, MT  Mission Valley Ranch Hands


Lot 3 - Create your own ant

1st  Aaron  Luke  Polson, MT  Round Butte Future Stockmen

1st  Brynlee  Jennison  Polson, MT  Saddle Mountain 4-H Club


Lot 4 - Create a Habitat

1st  Brander  McCollum  Ronan, MT  Round Butte Future Stockmen

1st  Aaron  Luke  Polson, MT  Round Butte Future Stockmen

1st  Allen  Detert  Charlo, MT  Charlo Junior Stockgrowers

1st  Anna  Sheumaker  Charlo, MT  Charlo Junior Stockgrowers

1st  Brooklyn  Leishman  St Ignatius, MT  Mission Valley Ranch Hands

1st  Joe  Nentwig  Charlo, MT  Pend d'Orielle Gleaners

1st  02  Boden  Sloan  Ronan, MT  Pend d'Orielle Gleaners


Lot 5 - Sidewalk Chalk

1st  Boden  Sloan  Ronan, MT  Pend d'Orielle Gleaners

1st  Katherine  Bartel  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails

1st  Ysabel  Smith  Charlo, MT  Mission Valley Ranch Hands

1st  Alexis  Sinclair  Ronan, MT  Saddle Mountain 4-H Club

1st  Joe  Nentwig  Charlo, MT  Pend d'Orielle Gleaners


Lot 5 - Sidewalk Chalk 

1stAlexa  YoungrenRonan, MTRocky Mountain Explorers


Lot 6 - Puppet Creation

1st  Eden  Mitchell  Pablo, MT  Saddle Mountain 4-H Club

1st  Brander  McCollum  Ronan, MT  Round Butte Future Stockmen

1st  Aaron  Luke  Polson, MT  Round Butte Future Stockmen

1st  Allen  DetertCharlo, MTCharlo Junior Stockgrowers

1st  Brooklyn  Leishman  St Ignatius, MT  Mission Valley Ranch Hands

1st  Finlay  Taylor  Ronan, MT  Rocky Mountain Explorers

1st  Brynlee  Jennison  Polson, MT  Saddle Mountain 4-H Club


Lot 7 - Sand Painting

1st  Eden  MitchellPablo, MT  Saddle Mountain 4-H Club

1st  Rosalei  Robbins-Clatterbuck  Ronan, MT  Pistols and Ponytails

1st  Alexis  Sinclair  Ronan, MT  Saddle Mountain 4-H Club

1st  Jace  Westphal  Polson, MT  Pend d'Orielle Gleaners

1st  Alexa  Youngren  Ronan, MT  Rocky Mountain Explorers


Lot 8 - Beanbag Socks

1stAlexa  YoungrenRonan, MT  Rocky Mountain Explorers

1st  Katherine  Bartel  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails

1st  Rosalei  Robbins-Clatterbuck  Ronan, MT  Pistols and Ponytails

1st  Allen  Detert  Charlo, MT  Charlo Junior Stockgrowers

1st  Brooklyn Leishman  St Ignatius, MT  Mission Valley Ranch Hands


Lot 9 - Graham Cracker Scram

1st  Boden Sloan  Ronan, MT  Pend d'Orielle Gleaners

1st  Katherine  Bartel  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails


Lot 10 - Kitchen Saftey

1st  Maizey  McDonald  Charlo, MT  Charlo Junior Stockgrowers

1st  Anna  Sheumaker  Charlo, MT  Charlo Junior Stockgrowers


Lot 11 - First Aid Kit

1st  Eden  Mitchell  Pablo, MT  Saddle Mountain 4-H Club

1st  Aaron Luke  Polson, MT  Round Butte Future Stockmen 

1st  Rosalei Robbins-Clatterbuck  Ronan, MT  Pistols and Ponytails

1st  Allen Detert  Charlo, MT  Charlo Junior Stockgrowers 

1st  Anna Sheumaker  Charlo, MT  Charlo Junior Stockgrowers

1st  Kanin Krantz  Charlo, MT  Mission Valley Ranch Hands


Lot 12 - Build a Kazoo

1st  Brander  McCollum  Ronan, MT  Round Butte Future Stockmen


Lot 13 - Make a Constellation

1st  Alexa  Youngren  Ronan, MT  Rocky Mountain Explorers


Lot 14 - Sink or Float Experimment

1st  Eden Mitchell  Pablo, MT  Saddle Mountain 4-H Club 

1st  Brander McCollum  Ronan, MT  Round Butte Future Stockmen

1st  Katherine  Bartel  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails 

1st  Anna  Sheumaker  Charlo, MT  Charlo Junior Stockgrowers

1st  Jace  Westphal  Polson, MT  Pend d'Orielle Gleaners


Lot 16 - Vegetable seedlings

1st  Eden  Mitchell  Pablo, MT  Saddle Mountain 4-H Club


Lot 17 - Rain Gauge

1st  Maizey  McDonald  Charlo, MT  Charlo Junior Stockgrowers

1st  Brooklyn  Leishman  St Ignatius, MT  Mission Valley Ranch Hands


Class B - Exploring Farm Animals

Lot 6 - Straw Blown Painting

1st  Ysabel  Smith  Charlo, MT  Mission Valley Ranch Hands


Department 411 - CROP SCIENCE

Class A - Wheat Growers Helper

Lot 1 - Wheat Growers Helper

1st  Jaden  Westphal  Polson, MT  Pend d'Orielle Gleaners


Department 412 - ELECTRICITY

Class A - Magic of Electricity

Lot 1 - Magic of Electricity

1st  Adam  Sheumaker  Charlo, MT  Charlo Junior Stockgrowers


Lot 2 - Magic of Electricity

1st  Adam  Sheumaker  Charlo, MT  Charlo Junior Stockgrowers


Department 413 - ENTOMOLOGY

Class A - Teaming with Insects Level  1

Lot 6 - Collection of 25 insects

1st  Victor  Perez Carrillo  Polson, MT  Pend d'Orielle Gleaners


Department 414 - EXPLORING 4-H

Class A - Exploring 4H

Lot 1 - Fun, Friends, & Learning

1st  Mackinzi  Bartel  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails

2nd  Vivian  Grainey  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails


Lot 2 - Fun, Friends, & Learning

1st  Mackinzi  Bartel  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails

1st  Vivian  Grainey  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails


Lot 3 - Fun, Friends, & Learning

1st  Mackinzi  Bartel  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails


1st  Vivian  Grainey  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails

Department 415 - FAMILY ADVENTURES

Class A - Family Adventures

Lot 1 - Family Adventures

1st  Shyanne  Reum  Charlo, MT  Charlo Junior Stockgrowers


Lot 2 - Family Adventures

2nd  Tyler  Kelsch  Ronan, MT  Round Butte Future Stockmen


Lot 3 - Family Adventures

1st  Tyler  Kelsch  Ronan, MT  Round Butte Future Stockmen


Department 416 - FOODS & NUTRITION

Class A - Cooking 101

Lot 1 - Display Mealtime Basics

1st  Gabby  Smith  Charlo, MT  Mission Valley Ranch Hands


Lot 3 - Display Table Setting

1st  Nikki  Kendall  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails


Lot 4 - Poster Measuring

2nd  Ryan  Kendall  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails

2nd  Shawnte  Erickson  Pablo, MT  Saddle Mountain 4-H Club


Lot 6 - prepared side dish

2nd  Austin  Pablo  Pablo, MT  Saddle Mountain 4-H Club


Lot 7 - prepared main dish

1st  Isaac  Cantlon  Charlo, MT  Rocky Mountain Explorers

1st  Jackson  Davis  Ronan, MT  Round Butte Future Stockmen


Lot 8 - Prepared quick bread

1st  Jackson  Davis  Ronan, MT Round Butte Future Stockmen


Lot 9 - Prepared  desert

1st  Aspen  Krantz  Charlo, MT  Mission Valley Ranch Hands

1st  Shawnte  Erickson  Pablo, MT  Saddle Mountain 4-H Club

2nd  Benjamin  Mitchell  Pablo, MT  Saddle Mountain 4-H Club

2nd  Jackson  Davis  Ronan, MT  Round Butte Future Stockmen

2nd  Abigail  Krantz  Charlo, MT  Mission Valley Ranch Hands


Class B - Cooking 201

Lot 8 - Prepared Milk Group Recipe

1st  Kaidyn  Phoenix  Pablo, MT  Saddle Mountain 4-H Club


Lot 9 - Prepared Dessert Recipe

2nd  Lilia  Mitchell  Pablo, MT


Lot 10 - Any other food from book

2nd  Haylee  Walchuk  Ronan, MT  Round Butte Future Stockmen


Class C - Cooking 301

Lot 6 - Prepared Meat Group

1st  Devon  Siech  Charlo, MT  Charlo Junior Stockgrowers


Lot 10 - Any other food from book

1st  Sierra  Hutchin  Charlo, MT  Mission Valley Ranch Hands


Class E - Party Planner

Lot 1 - Nutritionally improved food

1st  Allison  Delaney  St Ignatius, MT  Charlo Cowgirls & Cowboys


Class F - Baking 101

Lot 10 - Peanut Butter Pancake

1st  Caitlyn  Ward  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails


Lot 11 - Sugar Cookies

2nd  Teaira  Truman  Charlo, MT  Charlo Cowgirls & Cowboys


Lot 12 - Chocolate Chip Cookies

1st  Caitlyn  Ward  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails

2nd  Madisyn Wills  Ronan, MT  Round Butte Future Stockmen

2nd  Toby Cantlon  Charlo, MT  Rocky Mountain Explorers


Lot 15 - Peanut Butter Cookies

1st  Caitlyn  Ward  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails


Lot 18 - Any other item

1st  Taylan Truman  Charlo, MT  Charlo Cowgirls & Cowboys

2nd  Madison  Clairmont  Ronan, MT  Round Butte Future Stockmen


Lot 19 - Any other item

1st  Regan  Clairmont  Ronan, MT  Round Butte Future Stockmen


Class G - Baking 102

Lot 6 - Banana Nut Bread

1st  Cloe  Barron  Ronan, MT  Saddle Mountain 4-H Club


Lot 7 - Zucchini Bread

1st  Kane  Shenyer  Charlo, MT  Charlo Junior Stockgrowers


Lot 8 - Any Quick Bread

1st  Ryanne  Rider  Ronan, MT  Mission Valley Rangers

1st  Jessica  Shenyer  Charlo, MT  Charlo Junior Stockgrowers


Lot 11 - Heritage Cookie

1st  Lina  Sturman  St Ignatius, MT  Mission Valley Ranch Hands


Lot 12 - Bar Cookies

1st  Jessica  Shenyer Charlo, MT  Charlo Junior Stockgrowers


Lot 13 - Drop Cookies

2nd  Treysin  Sinclair  Ronan, MT  Saddle Mountain 4-H Club


Lot 20 - Brownies

1st  Ryanne  Rider Ronan, MT  Mission Valley Rangers

1st  Tameron Truman  Charlo, MT  Charlo Cowgirls & Cowboys


Lot 23 - Butterscotch Bars

1st  Cloe  Barron  Ronan, MT  Saddle Mountain 4-H Club


Lot 28 - Cornbread

1st  Kane Shenyer  Charlo, MT  Charlo Junior Stockgrowers


1st  Lina  Sturman  St Ignatius, MT  Mission Valley Ranch Hands


Lot 32 - Any other item

1st  Ryanne  Rider  Ronan, MT  Mission Valley Rangers

1st  Cloe  Barron  Ronan, MT  Saddle Mountain 4-H Club

1st  Madison Sevier  Ronan, MT  Rocky Mountain Explorers

1st   Jessica Shenyer  Charlo, MT  Charlo Junior Stockgrowers

1st   Lina Sturman  St Ignatius, MT  Mission Valley Ranch Hands

2nd  Treysin Sinclair  Ronan, MT  Saddle Mountain 4-H Club


Class K - Independent Study

Lot 1 - Independent Study

1st  Sierra Hutchin  Charlo, MT   Mission Valley Ranch Hands

1st  Cloe  Barron  Ronan, MT   Saddle Mountain 4-H Club


Department 418 - GARDENING

Class A - See them Sprout

Lot 20 - vegetable

1st  Dawson Coleman  Charlo, MT  Charlo Junior Stockgrowers


Lot 21 - vegetable

1st  Dawson Coleman  Charlo, MT  Charlo Junior Stockgrowers


Department 420 - LEADERSHIP

Class A - Navigating Citizenship, I

Lot 1 - Level 1

1st  Philip Vaughan  St Ignatius, MT  Mission Valley Ranch Hands

1st  Austin  Oberwegner   Polson, MT  Pend d'Orielle Gleaners

1st  Tristan  Oberwegner  Polson, MT  Pend d'Orielle Gleaners

1st  Bella  Farrier  Polson, MT  Pend d'Orielle Gleaners

1st  Kylee Wells  Arlee, MT  Mission Valley Ranch Hands

2nd  Riley  Hutchin  Charlo, MT  Mission Valley Ranch Hands


Class B - Navigating Citizenship, II

Lot 1 - Navigating Citizenship II

1st  Anya  Smith  Ronan, MT  Saddle Mountain 4-H Club

1st  Sierra  Hutchin  Charlo, MT  Mission Valley Ranch Hands


Department 421 - LEATHERCRAFT

Class A - Level I

Lot 4 - Book Mark

1st  Hanna  Lytton  Ronan, MT  Rocky Mountain Explorers


Lot 6 - Article not Pre-Cut

1st  Hanna  Lytton  Ronan, MT   Rocky Mountain Explorers


Lot 7 - Article with Lacing

1st  Hanna  Lytton  Ronan, MT  Rocky Mountain Explorers


Class B - Level II

Lot 1 - Different Leather Decorations

1st  Ryan Walchuk  Ronan, MT  Round Butte Future Stockmen

1st  Koy  McAllister  Ronan, MT  Round Butte Future Stockmen


Lot 3 - Tooled, laced, not pre-cut

1st  Ryan  Walchuk  Ronan, MT  Round Butte Future Stockmen

1st  Tucker  Lytton  Ronan, MT  Rocky Mountain Explorers

1st  Koy  McAllister  Ronan, MT  Round Butte Future Stockmen


Lot 4 - Figure carved, not pre-cut

1st  Tucker  Lytton  Ronan, MT  Rocky Mountain Explorers


Lot 7 - Any other item

1st  Ryan  Walchuk  Ronan, MT  Round Butte Future Stockmen

 1st  Tucker  Lytton  Ronan, MT  Rocky Mountain Explorers

1st  Koy  McAllister  Ronan, MT  Round Butte Future Stockmen


Department 422 - NEEDLEWORK

Class A - Knitting - Beginning

Lot 11 - Hat

1st  Sadler McCollum  Ronan, MT  Round Butte Future Stockmen


Lot 12 - Dish Cloth/Face Cloth

2nd  Brogan  Youngren  Ronan, MT  Rocky Mountain Explorers


Lot 13 - Any Other Item

2nd  Sadler McCollum  Ronan, MT  Round Butte Future Stockmen


Class D - Crochet - Beginning

Lot 6 - Any Other Item

2nd  Brogan  Youngren  Ronan, MT  Rocky Mountain Explorers


Class J - QPA - Beginner

Lot 16 - Member Pieced/Quilted by Other

1st  Sierra  Hutchin  Charlo, MT  Mission Valley Ranch Hands



Class A - Hiking Trails

Lot 2 - Illustrate hiking essentials

2nd  Leah  Cahoon  Charlo, MT  Charlo Junior Stockgrowers


Lot 7 - Illustrate first aid kit

2nd  Xavier  Ward  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails


Lot 10 - Any other

1st  Victor  Perez Carrillo  Polson, MT  Pend d'Orielle Gleaners


Department 424 - PHOTOGRAPHY

Class A - Focus on Photography

Lot 1 - Landscape or Portrait View

1st  Matson  McClure  Ronan, MT  Round Butte Future Stockmen

1st  Erica  Coleman  Charlo, MT  Charlo Junior Stockgrowers

1st  Shelby  Taylor  Ronan, MT  Rocky Mountain Explorers

1st  Caitlyn  Ward  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails

1st  Lina  Sturman  St Ignatius, MT  Mission Valley Ranch Hands

1st  Aspen  McKee  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails

2nd  Victor  Perez Carrillo  Polson, MT  Pend d'Orielle Gleaners 

2nd  Bella  Farrier  Polson, MT  Pend d'Orielle Gleaners 

2nd  Micaiah  Mitchell  Pablo, MT  Saddle Mountain 4-H Club

2nd Daniel  Kelsch  Ronan, MT  Round Butte Future Stockmen

2nd  Trapper  McAllister  Ronan, MT  Round Butte Future Stockmen

2nd  Shailee  Erickson  Pablo, MT  Saddle Mountain 4-H Club

2nd  Madison Clairmont  Ronan, MT  Round Butte Future Stockmen

2nd  Regan  Clairmont  Ronan, MT  Round Butte Future Stockmen

2nd  Raychel  Lien  Ronan, MT  Mission Valley Rangers

2nd  Haylee  Walchuk  Ronan, MT  Round Butte Future Stockmen

3rd  Sydney  Taylor  Ronan, MT  Rocky Mountain Explorers


Lot 2 - Different Lighting

1st  Bella  Farrier  Polson, MT  Pend d'Orielle Gleaners

1st  Micaiah  Mitchell  Pablo, MT  Saddle Mountain 4-H Club

1st  Matson  McClure  Ronan, MT  Round Butte Future Stockmen 

1st  Aspen  McKee  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails 

1st  Caitlyn  Ward   Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails


Lot 3 - Highlighting Shadows

1st  Matson  McClure  Ronan, MT  Round Butte Future Stockmen

2nd  Bella  Farrier  Polson, MT  Pend d'Orielle Gleaners

2nd  Aspen  McKee  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails 

2nd  Caitlyn  Ward  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails


Lot 4 - Using Natural Light

1st Matson McClure  Ronan, MT  Round Butte Future Stockmen

1st Lina  Sturman  St Ignatius, MT  Mission Valley Ranch Hands

2nd  Micaiah  Mitchell  Pablo, MT  Saddle Mountain 4-H Club

2nd  Daniel  Kelsch  Ronan, MT  Round Butte Future Stockmen

2nd  Aspen  McKee  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails

2nd  Raychel  Lien  Ronan, MT  Mission Valley Rangers

3rd  Bella  Farrier  Polson, MT  Pend d'Orielle Gleaners

3rd  Caitlyn  Ward  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails


Lot 5 - Foreground/Background

1st  Micaiah  Mitchell  Pablo, MT  Saddle Mountain 4-H Club

1st  Matson  McClure  Ronan, MT  Round Butte Future Stockmen 

1st  Aspen  McKee  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails 

1st  Raychel  Lien  Ronan, MT  Mission Valley Rangers 

2nd  Trapper  McAllister  Ronan, MT  Round Butte Future Stockmen 

2nd  Haylee  Walchuk  Ronan, MT  Round Butte Future Stockmen

3rd  Daniel  Kelsch  Ronan, MT  Round Butte Future Stockmen

3rd  Caitlyn  Ward  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails

3rd  Bella  Farrier  Polson, MT  Pend d'Orielle Gleaners


Lot 6 - Using Different Distances

2nd  Micaiah  Mitchell  Pablo, MT  Saddle Mountain 4-H Club 

2nd  Matson  McClure  Ronan, MT  Round Butte Future Stockmen

2nd  Daniel  Kelsch  Ronan, MT  Round Butte Future Stockmen 

2nd  Caitlyn  Ward  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails 

2nd  Lina  Sturman  St Ignatius, MT  Mission Valley Ranch Hands

3rd  Bella  Farrier  Polson, MT  Pend d'Orielle Gleaners

3rd  Aspen  McKee  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails


Lot 7 - A bird's eye view picture

1st  Aspen  McKee  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails

2nd  Matson  McClure  Ronan, MT  Round Butte Future Stockmen 

2nd  Jackson  Davis  Ronan, MT  Round Butte Future Stockmen 

3rd  Daniel  Kelsch  Ronan, MT  Round Butte Future Stockmen

3rd  Caitlyn  Ward  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails


Lot 8 - Black & White

1st Matson  McClure  Ronan, MT  Round Butte Future Stockmen

1st  Aspen  McKee  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails

1st  Jackson  Davis  Ronan, MT  Round Butte Future Stockmen

1st  Caitlyn  Ward  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails

1st  Haylee  Walchuk  Ronan, MT  Round Butte Future Stockmen

1s  tLevi  Nentwig  Charlo, MT  Pend d'Orielle Gleaners 

2nd  Shailee  Erickson  Pablo, MT  Saddle Mountain 4-H Club


Lot 9 - A fake photo (special effect)

1st  Matson  McClure  Ronan, MT  Round Butte Future Stockmen 

1st  Aspen  McKee  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails


Lot 10 - Any other 

1st  Daniel  Kelsch  Ronan, MT  Round Butte Future Stockmen

1st  Mason  Clairmont  Ronan, MT  Round Butte Future Stockmen 

1st  Aspen  McKee  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails

1st  Riley  Hutchin  Charlo, MT  Mission Valley Ranch Hands 

1st  Sydney  Taylor  Ronan, MT  Rocky Mountain Explorers

1st  Shelby  Taylor  Ronan, MT  Rocky Mountain Explorers 

1st  Levi  Nentwig  Charlo, MT  Pend d'Orielle Gleaners 

2nd  Victor  Perez Carrillo  Polson, MT  Pend d'Orielle Gleaners

2nd  Bella  Farrier  Polson, MT  Pend d'Orielle Gleaners

2nd  Matson  McClure  Ronan, MT  Round Butte Future Stockmen

2nd  Jackson  Davis  Ronan, MT  Round Butte Future Stockmen

2nd  Trapper  McAllister  Ronan, MT  Round Butte Future Stockmen

2nd  Regan  Clairmont  Ronan, MT  Round Butte Future Stockmen

3rd  Emily  Gerrity  Polson, MT  Pend d'Orielle Gleaners

3rd  Haylee  Walchuk  Ronan, MT  Round Butte Future Stockmen


Class B - Controlling the Image

Lot 1 - Water picture

2nd  Cloe  Barron  Ronan, MT  Saddle Mountain 4-H Club

3rd  Joanie  Mercer  Polson, MT  Pend d'Orielle Gleaners

3rd  Shailee  Erickson  Pablo, MT  Saddle Mountain 4-H Club


Lot 5 - Silhouette Photo

2nd  Joanie  Mercer  Polson, MT  Pend d'Orielle Gleaners


Lot 8 - Showing movement in photo

1st  Cloe  Barron  Ronan, MT  Saddle Mountain 4-H Club

2nd  Joanie  Mercer  Polson, MT  Pend d'Orielle Gleaners


Lot 10 - Any other

2nd  Shailee  Erickson  Pablo, MT  Saddle Mountain 4-H Club


2nd  Kamryn  Caye  Charlo, MT  Pend d'Orielle Gleaners


Department 427 - ROBOTICS

Class A - NeXT Technology

Lot 5 - Robot you have built

1st  Evan  Ingram  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails


Department 428 - SELF DETERMINED

Class A - Self Determined

Lot 1 - Self-determined

1st  Philip  Vaughan  St Ignatius, MT  Mission Valley Ranch Hands

3rd  Kane  Olson  St Ignatius, MT  Mission Valley Ranch Hands


Department 429 - SEWING & TEXTILES

Class A - Sew Much More Fun Level I


Lot 1 - Projects from manual

1st  Ryanne  Rider  Ronan, MT  Mission Valley Rangers

1st  Coleton  Sherman  Ronan, MT  Rocky Mountain Explorers

1st  Hayley  Bergh  Ronan, MT  Round Butte Future Stockmen

1st  Nikki  Kendall  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails


Lot 2 - Projects from manual

1st  Hayley  Bergh  Ronan, MT  Round Butte Future Stockmen


Lot 3 - Projects from manual

1st  Ryanne  Rider  Ronan, MT  Mission Valley Rangers


Lot 4 - Any other

1st  Ryanne  Rider  Ronan, MT  Mission Valley Rangers

1st  Coleton  Sherman  Ronan, MT  Rocky Mountain Explorers 

1st  Mira  Corum  Ronan, MT  Saddle Mountain 4-H Club 

1st  Hayley  Bergh  Ronan, MT  Round Butte Future Stockmen

1st  Shawnte  Erickson  Pablo, MT  Saddle Mountain 4-H Club

2nd  Madisyn  Evelo  St Ignatius, MT  Mission Valley Ranch Hands

2nd  Abigail  Krantz  Charlo, MT  Mission Valley Ranch Hands

2nd  Aspen  Krantz  Charlo, MT  Mission Valley Ranch Hands

3rd  Caitlyn  Ward  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails


Lot 5 - Any other

1st  Ryanne  Rider  Ronan, MT  Mission Valley Rangers

1st  Coleton  Sherman  Ronan, MT  Rocky Mountain Explorers

2nd  Madisyn  Evelo  St Ignatius, MT  Mission Valley Ranch Hands


Class B - Level I Wardrobe Exhibit

Lot 1 - Wardrobe of 1-2 Items

1st  Ryanne  Rider  Ronan, MT  Mission Valley Rangers

1st  Coleton  Sherman  Ronan, MT  Rocky Mountain Explorers

1st  Mira  Corum  Ronan, MT  Saddle Mountain 4-H Club

1st  Hayley  Bergh  Ronan, MT  Round Butte Future Stockmen

1st  Nikki  Kendall  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails


Class C - Sew Much More Fun Level II

Lot 1 - Projects from Book

1st  Kiara  Sherman  Ronan, MT  Rocky Mountain Explorers

1st  Brooklyn  Kenelty  Ronan, MT  Rocky Mountain Explorers

1st  Brogan  Youngren  Ronan, MT  Rocky Mountain Explorers

1st  Morgan  Brooks  Ronan, MT  Saddle Mountain 4-H Club


Lot 2 - Projects from Book

2nd  Kiara  Sherman  Ronan, MT  Rocky Mountain Explorers

2nd  Morgan  Brooks  Ronan, MT  Saddle Mountain 4-H Club


Lot 3 - Projects from Book

1st  Morgan  Brooks  Ronan, MT   Saddle Mountain 4-H Club


Lot 5 - Any Other Item

1st  Kiara Sherman  Ronan, MT  Rocky Mountain Explorers

1st  Brooklyn  Kenelty  Ronan, MT  Rocky Mountain Explorers

1st  Morgan  Brooks  Ronan, MT  Saddle Mountain 4-H Club

2nd  Brogan  Youngren  Ronan, MT  Rocky Mountain Explorers


Lot 6 - Any Other Item

1st  Kiara  Sherman  Ronan, MT  Rocky Mountain Explorers

1st  Brooklyn  Kenelty  Ronan, MT  Rocky Mountain Explorers

2nd  Brogan  Youngren  Ronan, MT  Rocky Mountain Explorers


Lot 7 - Any Other Item

1st  Kiara  Sherman  Ronan, MT  Rocky Mountain Explorers

1st  Brogan  Youngren  Ronan, MT  Rocky Mountain Explorers


Lot 8 - Any Other Item

1st  Brogan  Youngren  Ronan, MT  Rocky Mountain Explorers


Lot 9 - Any Other Item

2nd  Brogan  Youngren  Ronan, MT  Rocky Mountain Explorers


Lot 10 - Any Other Item

1st  Brogan  Youngren  Ronan, MT  Rocky Mountain Explorers


Class D - Level II Wardrobe

Lot 1 - Wardrobe of 2-3 Items

1st  Kiara  Sherman  Ronan, MT  Rocky Mountain Explorers

1st  Brooklyn  Kenelty  Ronan, MT  Rocky Mountain Explorers 

1st  Morgan  Brooks  Ronan, MT  Saddle Mountain 4-H Club


Lot 2 - Wardrobe of 2-3 Items

1st  Morgan  Brooks  Ronan, MT  Saddle Mountain 4-H Club


Class G - Independent Study

Lot 1 - Independent Study

1st  Ashley  Shenyer  Charlo, MT   Charlo Junior Stockgrowers


Lot 2 - Independent Study

2nd  Ashley  Shenyer  Charlo, MT  Charlo Junior Stockgrowers


Lot 3 - Independent Study

1st  Ashley  Shenyer  Charlo, MT  Charlo Junior Stockgrowers


Class I - Fashion Revue

Lot 1 - Junior Fashion Revue

1st  Kiara  Sherman  Ronan, MT  Rocky Mountain Explorers 

1st  Coleton  Sherman  Ronan, MT  Rocky Mountain Explorers

1st  Hayley  Bergh  Ronan, MT  Round Butte Future Stockmen

1st  Ryanne  Rider  Ronan, MT  Mission Valley Rangers 

2nd  Mira  Corum  Ronan, MT  Saddle Mountain 4-H Club 

2nd  Brogan  Youngren  Ronan, MT  Rocky Mountain Explorers

2nd  Nikki  Kendall  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails


Lot 2 - Senior Fashion Revue

1st  Brooklyn  Kenelty  Ronan, MT  Rocky Mountain Explorers

1st  Morgan  Brooks  Ronan, MT  Saddle Mountain 4-H Club


Department 430 - SHOOTING SPORTS

Class B - Rifle

Lot 1 - Rifle Display

1st  Aspen  McKee  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails

1st  Seth  Ingram  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails

2nd  Cloe  Barron  Ronan, MT  Saddle Mountain 4-H Club 

2nd  Carnell  Smith  Ronan, MT  Saddle Mountain 4-H Club 

2nd  Tommy  Sherry  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails 

2nd  Evan  Ingram  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails 

2nd  Xavier  Ward  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails 

2nd  Mesa  McKee  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails

3rd  Mira  Corum  Ronan, MT  Saddle Mountain 4-H Club


Lot 2 - Rifle Display

2nd  Cloe  Barron  Ronan, MT  Saddle Mountain 4-H Club

2nd  Cloe  Barron  Ronan, MT  Saddle Mountain 4-H Club


Class C - Archery

Lot 1 - Archery Display

1st  Seth  Ingram  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails  

1s  tDuncan  Chisholm  Ronan, MT  Rocky Mountain Explorers  

1st  Isaac  Rodriquez  Pablo, MT  Saddle Mountain 4-H Club 

1st  Nikki  Kendall  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails

2nd  Ryan Kendall  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails

2nd  Tristan  Thingelstad  Ronan, MT  Rocky Mountain Explorers 

2nd  Austin  Oberwegner  Polson, MT  Pend d'Orielle Gleaners 

2nd  Halli  Tyler  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails

2nd  Tyler  Kendall  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails

3rd  Trevor  Rider  Ronan, MT  Mission Valley Rangers

3rd  Mira  Corum  Ronan, MT  Saddle Mountain 4-H Club

3rd  Caitlyn  Ward  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails


Class F - Hunting

Lot 1 - Hunting Display

1st  Sackett  Andres  Arlee, MT  Mission Valley Ranch Hands


Lot 2 - Field - PB  11-12 years old

1st  Isaac  Cantlon  Charlo, MT  Rocky Mountain Explorers


Lot 5 - Field - BB 9-10 years old

1st  Caitlyn  WardPolson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails  

2nd  Jackson  Davis  Ronan, MT  Round Butte Future Stockmen 

3rd  Benjamin  Mitchell  Pablo, MT  Saddle Mountain 4-H Club


Lot 7 - Field - BB 13-14 years old

1st  Mesa  McKee  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails  

1st  Halli  Tyler  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails 

2nd  Mason  Sloan  Ronan, MT  Pend d'Orielle Gleaners


Lot 8 - Field - BB 15-18 years old

1st  Ryan  Kendall  Polson, MTPistols and Ponytails


Lot 13 - Field - BH  9-10 years old

1st  Tommy  Sherry  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails 

1st  Coleton  Sherman  Ronan, MT  Rocky Mountain Explorers

1st  Nathaniel  Young  St Ignatius, MT  Rocky Mountain Explorers 

1st  Evan  Ingram  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails 

2nd  Trevor  Rider  Ronan, MT  Mission Valley Rangers 

2nd  Nikki  Kendall  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails 

2nd  Austin  Oberwegner  Polson, MT  Pend d'Orielle Gleaners

3rd  Hanna  Lytton  Ronan, MT  Rocky Mountain Explorers 

3rd  Seth  Ingram  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails


Lot 14 - Field - BH 11-12 years old

1st  Kiara  Sherman  Ronan, MT  Rocky Mountain Explorers

1st  Isaac  Cantlon  Charlo, MT  Rocky Mountain Explorers 

2nd  Aspen  McKee  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails


Lot 15 - Field - BH 13-14 years old

1st  Austin  Oberwegner  Polson, MT  Pend d'Orielle Gleaners

1st  Daniel  Kelsch  Ronan, MT  Round Butte Future Stockmen 

1st  Tucker  Lytton  Ronan, MT  Rocky Mountain Explorers  

1st  Duncan  Chisholm  Ronan, MT  Rocky Mountain Explorers 

1st  Conner  Cornwell  Ronan, MT  Rocky Mountain Explorers 

1st  Tristan  Oberwegner  Polson, MT  Pend d'Orielle Gleaners

1st  Riley  Hutchin  Charlo, MT  Mission Valley Ranch Hands 

2nd  Mesa  McKee  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails


Lot 16 - Field - BH 15-18 years old

1st  Tyler  Kelsch  Ronan, MT  Round Butte Future Stockmen

1st  Tristan  Thingelstad  Ronan, MT  Rocky Mountain Explorers


Lot 17 - Field - UB 9-10 yr old

1st  Nikki  Kendall  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails 

1st  Austin  Oberwegner  Polson, MT  Pend d'Orielle Gleaners


Lot 18 - Field - UB 11-12 yr old

1st  Isaac  Cantlon  Charlo, MT  Rocky Mountain Explorers


Lot 19 - Field - UB 13-14 yr old

1st  Tucker  Lytton  Ronan, MT  Rocky Mountain Explorers 

1st  Duncan  Chisholm  Ronan, MT  Rocky Mountain Explorers

2nd  Austin  Oberwegner  Polson, MT  Pend d'Orielle Gleaners 

2nd  Tristan  Oberwegner  Polson, MT  Pend d'Orielle Gleaners


Lot 20 - Field - UB 15-18 yr old

1st  Tristan  Thingelstad  Ronan, MTRocky Mountain Explorers  

1st  Andrey  Bauer  Polson, MT


Lot 24 - Field - OR 15-18 year old

1st  Andrey  Bauer  Polson, MT


Lot 29 - 3D - BB 9-10 yr old

1st  Caitlyn  Ward  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails

2nd  Benjamin  Mitchell  Pablo, MT  Saddle Mountain 4-H Club  

3rdJ  ackson  Davis  Ronan, MT  Round Butte Future Stockmen


Lot 30 - 3D - BB 11-12 yr old

3rd  Mira  Corum  Ronan, MT  Saddle Mountain 4-H Club


Lot 31 - 3D - BB 13-14 yr old

1st  Halli  Tyler  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails 

2nd  Mesa  McKee  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails  

2nd  Mason  Sloan  Ronan, MT  Pend d'Orielle Gleaners


Lot 32 - 3D - BB 15-18 yr old

1st  Ryan  Kendall  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails


Lot 35 - 3D - LB  13-14 yr old

1st  Conner  Cornwell  Ronan, MT  Rocky Mountain Explorers


Lot 37 - 3D - BH 9-10 yr old

1st  Tommy  Sherry  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails 

1st  Coleton  Sherman  Ronan, MT  Rocky Mountain Explorers 

1st  Nathaniel  Young  St Ignatius, MT  Rocky Mountain Explorers 

1st  Evan IngramPolson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails

1st  Colter  Cornwell  Ronan, MT  Rocky Mountain Explorers

2nd  Hanna  Lytton  Ronan, MT  Rocky Mountain Explorers 

2nd  Nikki  Kendall  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails 

3rd  Trevor  Rider  Ronan, MT  Mission Valley Rangers 

3rd  Seth  Ingram  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails


Lot 38 - 3D - BH 11-12 yr old

1st  Kiara  Sherman  Ronan, MT  Rocky Mountain Explorers 

1st  Isaac  Cantlon  Charlo, MT  Rocky Mountain Explorers 

2nd  Aspen  McKee  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails


Lot 39 - 3D - BH  13-14 yr old

1st  Austin  Oberwegner  Polson, MT  Pend d'Orielle Gleaners 

1st  Daniel  KelschRonan, MT  Round Butte Future Stockmen 

1st  Tucker  Lytton  Ronan, MT  Rocky Mountain Explorers 

1st  Duncan  Chisholm  Ronan, MT  Rocky Mountain Explorers 

1st  Tristan  Oberwegner  Polson, MT  Pend d'Orielle Gleaners

1st  Riley  Hutchin  Charlo, MT  Mission Valley Ranch Hands


Lot 40 - 3D - BH  15-18 yr old

1st  Tyler  KelschRonan, MT  Round Butte Future Stockmen 

1st  Tristan  Thingelstad  Ronan, MT  Rocky Mountain Explorers


Lot 41 - 3D - UB  9-10 yr old

1st  Nikki  Kendall  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails


Lot 43 - 3D - UB  13-14 yr old

1st  Austin  Oberwegner  Polson, MT  Pend d'Orielle Gleaners  

1st  Duncan  Chisholm  Ronan, MT  Rocky Mountain Explorers 

1st  Tristan  Oberwegner  Polson, MT  Pend d'Orielle Gleaners


Class J - Competition - Air Gun/Shot Gun

Lot 5 - Air Rifle 3P: 9-10 yr old

1st  Tommy  Sherry  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails  

1st  Colter  Cornwell  Ronan, MT  Rocky Mountain Explorers  

2nd  Carnell  Smith  Ronan, MT  Saddle Mountain 4-H Club

2nd  Austin  Oberwegner  Polson, MT  Pend d'Orielle Gleaners


Lot 6 - Air Rifle 3P: 11-12 yr old

1st  Aspen McKee  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails

2nd  Cloe  Barron  Ronan, MT  Saddle Mountain 4-H Club 

2nd  Isaac  Cantlon  Charlo, MT  Rocky Mountain Explorers


Lot 7 - Air Rifle 3P: 13-14 yr old

1st  Mesa  McKee  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails 

1st  Conner  Cornwell  Ronan, MT  Rocky Mountain Explorers


Lot 9 - Air Rifle Prone: 9-10 yr old

1st  Tommy  Sherry  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails  

2nd  Carnell  Smith  Ronan, MT  Saddle Mountain 4-H Club 

2nd  Austin  Oberwegner  Polson, MT  Pend d'Orielle Gleaners 

2nd  Evan  Ingram  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails 

3rd  Jackson  Davis  Ronan, MT  Round Butte Future Stockmen  

3rd  Isaac  Rodriquez  Pablo, MT  Saddle Mountain 4-H Club  

3rd  Seth  Ingram  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails


Lot 10 - Air Rifle Prone: 11-12 yr old

1st  Xavier  Ward  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails  

1st  Aspen  McKee  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails 

2nd  Cloe  Barron  Ronan, MT  Saddle Mountain 4-H Club 

2nd  Isaac  Cantlon  Charlo, MT  Rocky Mountain Explorers

2nd  Mira  Corum  Ronan, MT  Saddle Mountain 4-H Club


Lot 11 - Air Rifle Prone: 13-14 yr old

1st  Mesa  McKee  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails 

1st  Tristan  Oberwegner  Polson, MT  Pend d'Orielle Gleaners

1st  Conner  Cornwell  Ronan, MT  Rocky Mountain Explorers


Lot 13 - Air Rifle Stand: 9-10 yr old

2nd  Austin  Oberwegner  Polson, MT  Pend d'Orielle Gleaners


Lot 14 - Air Rifle Stand: 11-12 yr old

1st  Mesa  McKee  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails 

1st  Aspen  McKee  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails 

1st  Sackett  Andres  Arlee, MT  Mission Valley Ranch Hands 

2nd  Xavier  Ward  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails

2nd  Cloe  Barron  Ronan, MT  Saddle Mountain 4-H Club


Lot 15 - Air Rifle Stand: 13-14 yr old

1st  Tristan  Oberwegner  Polson, MT  Pend d'Orielle Gleaners 

1st  Conner  Cornwell  Ronan, MT  Rocky Mountain Explorers


Lot 18 - Shotgun Trap: 11-12 yr old

1st  Isaac  Cantlon  Charlo, MT  Rocky Mountain Explorers


Lot 19 - Shotgun Trap: 13-14 yr old

1st  Tristan  Oberwegner  Polson, MT  Pend d'Orielle Gleaners


Lot 20 - Shotgun Trap: 15-18 yr old

1st  Andrey  Bauer  Polson, MT


Lot 22 - Shotgun 5 Stand: 11-12 yr old

1st  Isaac  Cantlon  Charlo, MT  Rocky Mountain Explorers


Lot 24 - Shotgun 5 Stand: 15-18 yr old

1st  Andrey  Bauer  Polson, MT


Department 431 - SMALL ENGINES

Class A - Crank it up, Level I

Lot 1 - Crank It Up, Level 1

1st  Tasker  Brown  Charlo, MT  Charlo Junior Stockgrowers 

1st  Jaden  Westphal  Polson, MT  Pend d'Orielle Gleaners 

1st  Tayre  Brown  Charlo, MT  Charlo Junior Stockgrowers


Class B - Warm it Up Level II

Lot 1 - Warm It Up, Level 2

1st  Mason  Sloan  Ronan, MT  Pend d'Orielle Gleaners


Department 432 - SPORT FISHING


Class A - Take the Bait

Lot 1 - Take the Bait

1st  Isaac  Cantlon  Charlo, MT  Rocky Mountain Explorers 

1st  Nate  Delaney  St Ignatius, MT  Charlo Cowgirls & Cowboys 

1st  Stetson  Reum  Charlo, MT  Charlo Junior Stockgrowers 

2nd  Xavier  Ward  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails


Department 433 - THEATRE ARTS

Class A - Level I - Beginner

Lot 4 - Written Collaborative Story

2nd  Caitlyn  Ward  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails


Lot 5 - Character Photos w/ Monologue

2nd  Caitlyn  Ward  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails


Class C - Level III - Advanced

Lot 13 - Any Other Item

1st  Anya  Smith  Ronan, MT  Saddle Mountain 4-H Club



Class A - Level I

Lot 1 - Airdales to Zebras

1st  Brooklyn  Foust  Charlo, MT  Charlo Cowgirls & Cowboys 

2nd  Victor  Perez Carrillo  Polson, MT  Pend d'Orielle Gleaners


Class B - Level II

Lot 1 - All Systems Go

2nd  Shailee  Erickson  Pablo, MT  Saddle Mountain 4-H Club


Class C - Level III

Lot 1 - On The Cutting Edge

1st  Courtney  Snyder  Ronan, MT  Saddle Mountain 4-H Club 

1st  Kylee  Wells  Arlee, MT  Mission Valley Ranch Hands


Lot 2 - On The Cutting Edge

1st  Kylee  Wells  Arlee, MT  Mission Valley Ranch Hands


Department 435 - VISUAL ARTS

Class A - Pallette of Fun

Lot 1 - Pallette of Fun w/ Arts/Crafts

1st  Aspen  McKee  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails 

1st  Jack  Sherry  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails

1st  Ryan  Kendall  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails 

1st  Evan  Ingram  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails 

2nd  Adam  Sheumaker  Charlo, MT  Charlo Junior Stockgrowers

2nd  Shailee  Erickson  Pablo, MT  Saddle Mountain 4-H Club

2nd  Nikki  Kendall  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails 

2nd  Seth  Ingram  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails 

2nd  Treysin  Sinclair  Ronan, MT  Saddle Mountain 4-H Club


Lot 2 - Pallette of Fun w/ Arts/Crafts

1st  Aspen  McKee  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails 

1s  tJack  Sherry  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails 

1st  Ryan  Kendall  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails

2nd  Nikki  Kendall  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails 

2nd  Treysin  Sinclair  Ronan, MT  Saddle Mountain 4-H Club


Lot 3 - Pallette of Fun w/ Arts/Crafts

1st  Ryan  Kendall  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails

2nd  Aspen  McKee  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails

2nd  Adam  Sheumaker  Charlo, MT  Charlo Junior Stockgrowers 

2nd  Nikki  Kendall  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails


Class B - Drawing, Fiber, Sculpture

Lot 1 - Drawing, Fiber, Sculpture

1st  Aspen  McKee  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails 

1st  Jack  Sherry  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails 

1st  Ryan  Kendall  Polson, MTPistols and Ponytails 

1st  Seth  Ingram  Polson, MTPistols and Ponytails

1st  Evan  Ingram  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails

1st  Shelby  Tryon  St Ignatius, MT  Leon Community 4-H Club 

2nd  Mesa  McKee  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails 

2nd  Nikki  Kendall  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails

3rd  Caitlyn  Ward  Polson, MTP  istols and Ponytails


Lot 2 - Drawing, Fiber, Sculpture

1st  Aspen  McKee  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails   

1st  Mesa  McKee  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails  

1st  Ryan  Kendall  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails 

1st  Seth  Ingram  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails 

1st  Evan  Ingram  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails 

1st  Shailee  Erickson  Pablo, MT  Saddle Mountain 4-H Club  

3rd  Caitlyn  Ward  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails


Lot 3 - Drawing, Fiber, Sculpture

1st  Aspen  McKee  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails

1st  Mesa  McKee  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails 

1st  Ryan  Kendall  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails 

1st  Caitlyn  Ward  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails 

1st  Evan  Ingram  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails


Class C - Paint, Print,  Graphic Design

Lot 1 - Paint, Print, Graphic Design

1st  Aspen  McKee  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails

1st  Mesa  McKee  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails  

1st  Jack  Sherry  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails

1st  Dalen  Siech  Charlo, MT  Charlo Junior Stockgrowers 

2nd  Ryan  Kendall  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails  

2nd  Nikki  Kendall  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails 

2nd  Caitlyn  Ward  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails


Lot 2 - Paint, Print, Graphic Design

1st  Aspen  McKee  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails  

1st  Mesa  McKee  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails  

1st  Dalen  Siech  Charlo, MT  Charlo Junior Stockgrowers  

1st  Ryan  Kendall  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails

2nd  Nikki  Kendall  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails  

2nd  Caitlyn  Ward  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails


Lot 3 - Paint, Print, Graphic Design

1st  Ryan  Kendall  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails

1st  Nikki  Kendall  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails 

2nd  Caitlyn  Ward  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails 

2nd  Seth  Ingram  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails


Class D - Independent Study

Lot 1 - Independent Study

1st  Kiana  Brown  Charlo, MT  Charlo Junior Stockgrowers


Lot 2 - Independent Study

1st  Devon  Siech  Charlo, MT  Charlo Junior Stockgrowers


Lot 3 - Independent Study

1st  Devon  Siech  Charlo, MT  Charlo Junior Stockgrowers


Class E - Scrapbooking

Lot 6 - Mounting Photos Creatively

1st  Ryanne  Rider  Ronan, MT  Mission Valley Rangers  

2nd  Sidney  Bauer  Ronan, MT  Mission Valley Rangers


Lot 7 - Highlight Using Embellishments

1st  Ryanne  Rider  Ronan, MT  Mission Valley Rangers 

1st  Sidney  Bauer  Ronan, MT  Mission Valley Rangers


Lot 9 - Background Techniques

2nd  Sidney  Bauer  Ronan, MT  Mission Valley Rangers


Lot 17 - Any Other Item

1st  Ryanne  Rider  Ronan, MT  Mission Valley Rangers


Department 437 - WELDING

Class A - Level 1, Arcs & Sparks

Lot 4 - Any Welded Project

1st  Garett  Vaughan  Charlo, MT  Charlo Cowgirls & Cowboys

1st  Aubrey  Dumont  Charlo, MT  Charlo Cowgirls & Cowboys 

2nd  Riley  Hutchin  Charlo, MT  Mission Valley Ranch Hands 

3rd  Kane  Olson  St Ignatius, MT   Mission Valley Ranch Hands


Department 438 - WILDLIFE

Class A - Wildlife Level 1

Lot 1 - Poster of Habitats

2nd  Victor  Perez Carrillo  Polson, MT  Pend d'Orielle Gleaners


Lot 3 - Animal Index Cards

2nd  Daniel  Kelsch  Ronan, MT  Round Butte Future Stockmen


Lot 5 - Any Other Item

1st  Bowen  Tryon   St Ignatius, MT  Leon Community 4-H Club


Class D - Independent Study

Lot 1 - Independent Study

1st  Victor  Perez Carrillo  Polson, MT  Pend d'Orielle Gleaners


Department 440 - WOODWORKING

Class A - Measuring Up Level I

Lot 1 - Display Any Woodworking Topic

2nd  Lachlan  Sloan   Ronan, MT  Pend d'Orielle Gleaners


Lot 2 - Wooden Sandpaper Block

1st   Lachlan  Sloan  Ronan, MT  Pend d'Orielle Gleaners


Lot 3 - Letter or Napkin Holder

2nd  Sadler  McCollum  Ronan, MT  Round Butte Future Stockmen 

2nd  Olivia  Clairmont  Ronan, MT  Round Butte Future Stockmen


Lot 6 - Planter Box

1st  Sadler  McCollum  Ronan, MT  Round Butte Future Stockmen


Lot 9 - Any Item using a Butt Joint

1st  Sadler  McCollumRonan, MT  Round Butte Future Stockmen

1st  Toby  Cantlon  Charlo, MT  Rocky Mountain Explorers 

2nd  Olivia  Clairmont  Ronan, MT  Round Butte Future Stockmen


Lot 10 - Any Other Item

2nd  James  Farrier  Polson, MT  Pend d'Orielle Gleaners 

2nd  Olivia  Clairmont  Ronan, MT  Round Butte Future Stockmen


Class B - Making the Cut, Level II

Lot 2 - Tool Box

1st  Shailee  Erickson  Pablo, MT  Saddle Mountain 4-H Club


Lot 9 - Simple End or Side Table

1st  Tanner  Bergh  Ronan, MT  Round Butte Future Stockmen 

1st  Bailey  Weible  Charlo, MT  Charlo Junior Stockgrowers


Lot 10 - Any Other Item

1st  Zane  Walchuk  Ronan, MT  Round Butte Future Stockmen 

2nd  Riley  Hutchin  Charlo, MT  Mission Valley Ranch Hands


Class D - Finishing Up, Level IV

Lot 10 - Chair

1st  Dylan  Sevier  Ronan, MT  Rocky Mountain Explorers


Department 451 - CAT

Class A - Cat 3 Months to 1 Year

Lot 2 - Shorthair

2nd  Kaidyn  Phoenix  Pablo, MT  Saddle Mountain 4-H Club


Class C - Cat Over 2 Years Old

Lot 2 - Shorthair

1st  Lilia  Mitchell  Pablo, MT


Class D - Cat Showmanship

Lot 2 - Junior Showmanship

1st  Kaidyn  Phoenix  Pablo, MT  Saddle Mountain 4-H Club 

1st  Lilia  Mitchel  lPablo, MT


Class E - Pur-fect Pals Activities

Lot 1 - Activities/Displays

1st  Kaidyn  Phoenix  Pablo, MT  Saddle Mountain 4-H Club

1st  Lilia  Mitchell  Pablo, MT


Department 452 - DOG

Class A - Showmanship

Lot 1 - Novice Shownmanship

1st  Elsie  Detert  Charlo, MT  Charlo Junior Stockgrowers 

1st  Isaac  Rodriquez  Pablo, MT  Saddle Mountain 4-H Club 

1st  Lilia  Mitchell  Pablo, MT

1st  Benjamin  Mitchell  Pablo, MT  Saddle Mountain 4-H Club 

1st  MollyKate  Sullivan  Dixon, MT  Charlo Junior Stockgrowers

1st  Caitlyn  Ward  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails 

1st  Xavier  Ward  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails


Lot 2 - Junior Showmanship

1st  Aspen  McKee  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails  

1st  Nikki  Kendall  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails  

1st  MollyKate  Sullivan   Dixon, MT  Charlo Junior Stockgrowers


Lot 3 - Senior Showmanship 

1st  Mesa  McKee  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails 

1st  Halli  Tyler  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails  

1st  Tyler  Kendall  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails


Class B - Obedience

Lot 1 - Sub Novice

2nd  Isaac  Rodriquez  Pablo, MT  Saddle Mountain 4-H Club

2nd  Elsie  Detert  Charlo, MT  Charlo Junior Stockgrowers

4th  Caitlyn  Ward  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails 

4th  Benjamin  Mitchell  Pablo, MT  Saddle Mountain 4-H Club 

4th  Lilia  Mitchell  Pablo, MT 

4th  Xavier  Ward  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails


Lot 2 - Novice

3rd  Aspen  McKee  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails


Lot 3 - Graduate Novice

4th  Mesa  McKee  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails


Lot 4 - Sub Novice B

1st  Nikki  Kendall  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails 

2nd  Halli  Tyler  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails 

3rd  Tyler  Kendall  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails


Class C - Rally

Lot 1 - Novice Rally

1st  Nikki  Kendall  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails 

1st  Xavier  Ward  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails

2nd  Isaac  Rodriquez  Pablo, MT  Saddle Mountain 4-H Club 

2nd  Halli  Tyler  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails 

2nd  Caitlyn  Ward  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails 

2nd  Elsie  Detert  Charlo, MT  Charlo Junior Stockgrowers


Lot 2 - Advanced Rally

1st  Aspen  McKee  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails 

2nd  MollyKate  Sullivan  Dixon, MT  Charlo Junior Stockgrowers 

3rd  Tyler  Kendall  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails


Lot 3 - Excellent Rally

1s  tMesa  McKee  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails


Class D - Aglilty

Lot 1 - Reg agility on leash 12 in und

1st  Isaac  Rodriquez  Pablo, MT  Saddle Mountain 4-H Club

1st  Nikki  Kendall  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails 

1st  Caitlyn  Ward  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails 

1st  Xavier  Ward  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails 

1st  Elsie  Detert  Charlo, MT  Charlo Junior Stockgrowers


Lot 6 - 12-16 IUNCH Reg agility

1st  Halli  Tyler  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails 

1st  MollyKate  Sullivan  Dixon, MT  Charlo Junior Stockgrowers


Lot 7 - 16-21 inch Agility off leash

1st  Aspen  McKee  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails 

1st  Mesa  McKee  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails


Lot 9 - 12 TUNNELERS on leqsh

1st  Nikki  Kendall  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails 

1st  Caitlyn  Ward  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails

1st  Xavier  Ward  Polson, MT   Pistols and Ponytails 

1st  Elsie  Detert  Charlo, MT  Charlo Junior Stockgrowers


Lot 10 - 12 16 tunnel on leash

1st  Isaac  Rodriquez  Pablo, MT  Saddle Mountain 4-H Club


Lot 13 - Agility12" barrelers off leach

1st  Tyler  Kendall  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails


Lot 14 - 12 -16 barrelers off leash

1st  Halli  Tyler  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails 

1st  MollyKate  Sullivan  Dixon, MT  Charlo Junior Stockgrowers


Lot 15 - Tunnelers 16-21 inch off leash

1st  Aspen  McKee  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails 

1st  Mesa  McKee  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails


Lot 17 - Hooppers on leash 12 under

1st  Nikki  Kendall  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails 

1st  Caitlyn  Ward  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails 

1st  Xavier  Ward  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails  

2nd  Elsie  Detert  Charlo, MT  Charlo Junior Stockgrowers


Lot 18 - 12 16 hoppers on leash

1st  Isaac  Rodriquez  Pablo, MT  Saddle Mountain 4-H Club


Lot 19 - Hoopers on leash 16-21

1st  Lilia  Mitchell  Pablo, MT 

2nd  Benjamin  Mitchell   Pablo, MT  Saddle Mountain 4-H Club


Lot 21 - Agility hooper off leash 12 un

1st  Tyler  Kendall  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails


Lot 22 - Hoopers off leash 12-16 inch

1st  Halli  Tyler  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails  

1st  MollyKate  Sullivan  Dixon, MT  Charlo Junior Stockgrowers


Lot 23 - Hoopers off leash 16-21 inch 

1st  Aspen  McKee  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails 

1st  Mesa  McKee  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails


Class E - Dog 1 Wiggles & Wags

Lot 1 - Activities/Displays

1st  MollyKate  Sullivan  Dixon, MT  Charlo Junior Stockgrowers 

1st  Kaydee  Wheeler  Proctor, MT  Mission Valley Ranch Hands

1st  Venessa  Wheeler  Proctor, MT  Mission Valley Ranch Hands 

1st  Elsie  Detert  Charlo, MT  Charlo Junior Stockgrowers 

2nd  Isaac  RodriquezPablo, MT  Saddle Mountain 4-H Club 

2nd  Nikki  Kendall  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails 

2nd  Tucker  Love  Charlo, MT  Charlo Junior Stockgrowers


Lot 2 - Activities/Displays

2nd  Elsie  Detert  Charlo, MT  Charlo Junior Stockgrowers


Class F - Dog 2 Canine Connections

Lot 1 - Activities/Displays

1st  Ryan  Kendall  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails

1st  Aspen  McKee  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails


Class H - Dog Independent Study

Lot 1 - Activities/Displays

1st  Charmayne  Morrison  Polson, MT  Round Butte Future Stockmen


Department 453 - POULTRY

Class A - Standard Breeds

Lot 2 - Pullet under 1 year

1st  Ashley  Shenyer  Charlo, MT  Charlo Junior Stockgrowers 

1st  Ashley  Shenyer  Charlo, MT  Charlo Junior Stockgrowers 

2nd  Toby  Cantlon  Charlo, MT  Rocky Mountain Explorers 

2nd  Branson  Zempel  Charlo, MT  Charlo Junior Stockgrowers

2nd  Ashley  Shenyer  Charlo, MT  Charlo Junior Stockgrowers 

2nd  Lina  Sturman  St Ignatius, MT  Mission Valley Ranch Hands


Lot 4 - Hen over 1 year

1st  Branson  Zempel  Charlo, MT  Charlo Junior Stockgrowers

1st  Ryan  Kendall  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails 

2nd  Kimberly  Zempel  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails 

2nd  Aspen  Taber  Ronan, MT  Saddle Mountain 4-H Club 

2nd  Aspen  Taber  Ronan, MT  Saddle Mountain 4-H Club 

2nd  Aspen  Taber  Ronan, MT  Saddle Mountain 4-H Club


Class B - Bantam Breeds

Lot 1 - Cockerel under 1 year

1st  Shailee  Erickson  Pablo, MT  Saddle Mountain 4-H Club

2nd  Toby  Cantlon  Charlo, MT  Rocky Mountain Explorers 

3rd  Toby  Cantlon  Charlo, MT  Rocky Mountain Explorers


Lot 2 - Pullet under 1 year

1st  Toby  Cantlon  Charlo, MT  Rocky Mountain Explorers  

1st  Shawnte  Erickson  Pablo, MT  Saddle Mountain 4-H Club


Lot 4 - Hen over 1 year

1st  Shawnte  Erickson  Pablo, MT  Saddle Mountain 4-H Club 

1st  Shailee  Erickson  Pablo, MT  Saddle Mountain 4-H Club


Class C - Crossbred

Lot 4 - Hen over 1 year

2nd  Aspen  Taber  Ronan, MT  Saddle Mountain 4-H Club

2nd  Aspen  Taber  Ronan, MT  Saddle Mountain 4-H Club


Class E - Bantam Breed Trios

Lot 1 - Young Trio under 1 year

1st  Toby  Cantlo  nCharlo, MT  Rocky Mountain Explorers


Class G - Turkeys

Lot 1 - Young Tom under 1 year

1st  Shailee  Erickson  Pablo, MT  Saddle Mountain 4-H Club  

1st  Ashley  Shenyer  Charlo, MT  Charlo Junior Stockgrowers


Lot 2 - Young Hen under 1 year

1st  Shailee  Erickson  Pablo, MT  Saddle Mountain 4-H Club  

2nd  Shailee  Erickson  Pablo, MT  Saddle Mountain 4-H Club


Lot 4 - Old Hen over 1 year

1st   Shailee  Erickson  Pablo, MT  Saddle Mountain 4-H Club


Class J - Medium Weight Ducks

Lot 2 - Young Duck - under 1 yr old

1st   Shawnte  Erickson  Pablo, MT  Saddle Mountain 4-H Club


Lot 4 - Old Duck - over 1 yr old

1st  Shailee  Erickson  Pablo, MT  Saddle Mountain 4-H Club


Class K - Light Weight Ducks

Lot 4 - Old Duck - over 1 year

2nd  Shailee  Erickson  Pablo, MT  Saddle Mountain 4-H Club


Class W - Poultry Showmanship

Lot 1 - Novice Showmanship

1st  Toby  Cantlon  Charlo, MT  Rocky Mountain Explorers

1st  Kimberly  Zempel  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails 

1st  Lina  Sturman  St Ignatius, MT  Mission Valley Ranch Hands 

1st  Ryan  Kendall  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails


Lot 2 - Junior Showmanship

1st  Branson  Zempel  Charlo, MT  Charlo Junior Stockgrowers

1st  Shawnte  Erickson  Pablo, MT  Saddle Mountain 4-H Club 

1st  Aspen  Taber  Ronan, MT  Saddle Mountain 4-H Club


Lot 3 - Senior Showmanship

1st  Shailee  Erickson  Pablo, MT  Saddle Mountain 4-H Club

1st  Ashley  Shenyer  Charlo, MT  Charlo Junior Stockgrowers


Class X - Scratching the Surface

Lot 1 - Activities/Displays

1st  Lina  Sturman  St Ignatius, MT  Mission Valley Ranch Hands 

2nd  Ryan  Kendall  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails


Lot 2 - Activities/Displays

1st  Aspen  Taber  Ronan, MT  Saddle Mountain 4-H Club  

1st  Lina  Sturman  St Ignatius, MT  Mission Valley Ranch Hands


Department 454 - RABBIT

Class A - Heavy Weights/Commerical Giant

Lot 3 - Senior Doe over 6 months

2nd  Cadence  Schweigert  Polson, MT  Round Butte Future Stockmen


Class B - Light Weight Small Breeds

Lot 1 - Junior Doe under 6 months

2nd  Mesa  McKee  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails


Lot 3 - Senior Doe over 6 months

1st  Lina  Sturman  St Ignatius, MT  Mission Valley Ranch Hands  

2nd  Aspen  McKee  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails

2nd  Megan  Evelo  St Ignatius, MT  Mission Valley Ranch Hands


Lot 4 - Senior Buck over 6 months

1st  Courtney  Snyder  Ronan, MT  Saddle Mountain 4-H Club 

1st  Madisyn  Evelo  St Ignatius, MT  Mission Valley Ranch Hands 

2nd  Trevor  Rider  Ronan, MT  Mission Valley Rangers 

2nd  Courtney  Snyder  Ronan, MT  Saddle Mountain 4-H Club 

2nd  Emalie  Taber  Ronan, MT  Saddle Mountain 4-H Club 

2nd  Lina  Sturman  St Ignatius, MT  Mission Valley Ranch Hands 

3rd  Morgan  Brooks  Ronan, MT  Saddle Mountain 4-H Club


Class C - Dwarf Breeds

Lot 3 - Senior Doe over 6 month

2nd  Lina  Sturman  St Ignatius, MT  Mission Valley Ranch Hands


Lot 4 - Senior Buck over 6 month

2nd  Isaac  Cantlon  Charlo, MT  Rocky Mountain Explorers


Class E - Crossbred/Mixed Breed Rabbit

Lot 2 - Junior Buck under 6 months

1st  Seeley  McDonald  Charlo, MT  Charlo Junior Stockgrowers 

2nd  Isaac  Cantlon  Charlo, MT  Rocky Mountain Explorers


Lot 3 - Senior Doe over 6 months

1st  Aspen  Taber  Ronan, MT  Saddle Mountain 4-H Club


Lot 4 - Senior Buck over 6 months

2nd  Emalie  Taber  Ronan, MT  Saddle Mountain 4-H Club


Class H - Rabbit Showmanship

Lot 1 - Novice Showmanship

1st  Seeley  McDonald  Charlo, MT  Charlo Junior Stockgrowers


Lot 2 - Junior Showmanship

1st  Aspen  McKee  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails

1st  Isaac  Cantlon  Charlo, MT  Rocky Mountain Explorers 

1st  Aspen  Taber  Ronan, MT  Saddle Mountain 4-H Club 

1st  Megan  Evelo  St Ignatius, MT  Mission Valley Ranch Hands 

1st  Lina  Sturman  St Ignatius, MT  Mission Valley Ranch Hands 

2nd  Trevor  Ride  rRonan, MT  Mission Valley Rangers 

2nd  Emalie  Taber  Ronan, MT  Saddle Mountain 4-H Club 

2nd  Cadence  Schweigert  Polson, MT   Round Butte Future Stockmen


2ndMadisyn  EveloSt Ignatius, MTMission Valley Ranch Hands


Lot 3 - Senior Showmanship

1st  Courtney  Snyder  Ronan, MT  Saddle Mountain 4-H Club  

1st  Mesa  McKee  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails


Class I - What's Hoppening

Lot 1 - Activities/Displays

1st Mesa  McKee  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails

1st  Emalie  Taber  Ronan, MT  Saddle Mountain 4-H Club


Class K - All Ears

Lot 1 - Activities/Displays

1st  Courtney  Snyder  Ronan, MT  Saddle Mountain 4-H Club


Department 501 - ALPACA

Class A - Halter

Lot 1 - Juvenile: M/F 6-12 months

1st  Shelby  Tryon  St Ignatius, MT  Leon Community 4-H Club


Lot 7 - Mature Gelding: 36+ months

1st  Shelby  Tryon  St Ignatius, MT  Leon Community 4-H Club


Class C - Showmanship

 Lot 2 - Junior Showmanship

1st  Shelby  Tryon  St Ignatius, MT  Leon Community 4-H Club


Department 502 - BEEF

Class A - Market Beef Standard Breeds

Lot 1 - Market Beef (1000-1450 lbs)

1st  Ty  Smith  Ronan, MT  Round Butte Future Stockmen

1st  Hallie  Sohr  Ronan, MT  Round Butte Future Stockmen  

1st  Mason  Clairmont  Ronan, MT  Round Butte Future Stockmen  

1st  Courtnee  Clairmont  Ronan, MT  Round Butte Future Stockmen  

1st  Devi  Knutson  Charlo, MT  Charlo Cowgirls & Cowboys  

1st  Kane  Olson  St Ignatius, MT  Mission Valley Ranch Hands

1st  Regan  Clairmont  Ronan, MT  Round Butte Future Stockmen

1st  Raychel  Lien  Ronan, MT  Mission Valley Rangers

1st  Hailey  Weible  Charlo, MT  Charlo Junior Stockgrowers 

1st  Josey  Motichka  Ronan, MT  Round Butte Future Stockmen 

2nd  Garett  Vaughan  Charlo, MT  Charlo Cowgirls & Cowboys 

2nd  Tristan  Thingelstad  Ronan, MT  Rocky Mountain Explorers 

2nd  Kiara  Sherman  Ronan, MT  Rocky Mountain Explorers 

2nd  Coleton  Sherman  Ronan, MT  Rocky Mountain Explorers

2nd  Sadler  McCollum  Ronan, MT  Round Butte Future Stockmen 

2nd  Tanner  Bergh  Ronan, MT  Round Butte Future Stockmen 

2nd  Allison  Delaney  St Ignatius, MT  Charlo Cowgirls & Cowboys 

2nd  Gabby  Smith  Charlo, MT  Mission Valley Ranch Hands 

2nd  Sierra  Hutchin  Charlo, MT  Mission Valley Ranch Hands

2nd  Morgan  Shepard  Charlo, MT  Charlo Cowgirls & Cowboys 

2nd  Sydney  Taylor  Ronan, MT  Rocky Mountain Explorers  

2nd  Madison  Clairmont  Ronan, MT  Round Butte Future Stockmen  

2nd  Cadence  Schweigert  Polson, MT  Round Butte Future Stockmen  

2nd  Tanner  Hames  St Ignatius, MT  Mission Valley Ranch Hands

2nd  Haylee  Walchuk  Ronan, MT Round Butte Future Stockmen


Class B - Beef Breediing Standard Breeds

Lot 1 - Hereford Cow/Calf Pair

1st  Sierra  Hutchin  Charlo, MT  Mission Valley Ranch Hands

2nd  Riley  Hutchin  Charlo, MT  Mission Valley Ranch Hands


Lot 2 - Hereford Heifer: 1-2 yr old

1st  Carnell  Smith  Ronan, MT  Saddle Mountain 4-H Club  

2nd  Cloe  Barron  Ronan, MT  Saddle Mountain 4-H Club  

2nd  Hailey  Weible  Charlo, MT  Charlo Junior Stockgrowers


Lot 3 - Hereford Heifer: under 1 yr

1st  Sierra  Hutchin  Charlo, MT  Mission Valley Ranch Hands 

2nd  Riley  Hutchin  Charlo, MT Mission Valley Ranch Hands


Lot 4 - Black Angus Cow/calf Pair

2nd  Morgan  Shepard  Charlo, MT  Charlo Cowgirls & Cowboys


Lot 5 - Black Angus Heifer: 1-2 yr old

1st  Ty  Smith  Ronan, MT  Round Butte Future Stockmen 

1st  Morgan  Shepard  Charlo, MT  Charlo Cowgirls & Cowboys  

2nd  Josey  Motichka  Ronan, MT  Round Butte Future Stockmen


Lot 6 - Black Angus Heifer: under 1 yr

1st  Ty  Smith  Ronan, MT  Round Butte Future Stockmen


Lot 7 - Red Angus Cow/calf Pair

1st  Coleton  Sherman  Ronan, MT  Rocky Mountain Explorers


Lot 8 - Red Angus Heifer: 1-2 yr old

1st  Coleton  Sherman  Ronan, MT  Rocky Mountain Explorers  

1st  Hallie  Sohr  Ronan, MT  Round Butte Future Stockmen  

2nd  Kiara  Sherman  Ronan, MT  Rocky Mountain Explorers


Lot 13 - Simmental Cow/calf Pair

1st  Courtnee  Clairmont  Ronan, MT  Round Butte Future Stockmen


Lot 20 - Other Heifer: 1-2 yr old

1st  Courtnee  Clairmont  Ronan, MT  Round Butte Future Stockmen  

1st  Kyia  Hendrickson  Saint Ignatius, MT  Mission Valley Ranch Hands  

2nd  Morgan  Shepard  Charlo, MT  Charlo Cowgirls & Cowboys


Lot 22 - Crossbred Cow/calf Pair

1st  Hallie  Sohr  Ronan, MT  Round Butte Future Stockmen


Lot 23 - Crossbred Heifer: 1-2 yr old

1st  Grace  Elverud  Charlo, MT  Charlo Junior Stockgrowers  

1st  Sydney  Taylor  Ronan, MT  Rocky Mountain Explorers  

2nd  Emmit  Bartel  Polson, MT  Pend d'Orielle Gleaners


Lot 24 - Crossbred Heifer: under 1 yr

1st  Hallie  Sohr  Ronan, MT  Round Butte Future Stockmen


Lot 25 - Bull Calf

1st  Coleton  Sherman  Ronan, MT  Rocky Mountain Explorers


Lot 26 - Steer Calf

1st  Courtnee  Clairmont  Ronan, MT  Round Butte Future Stockmen 

1st  Morgan  Shepard  Charlo, MT  Charlo Cowgirls & Cowboys


Class C - Beef Showmanship

Lot 1 - Novice Showmanship

1st  Tanner  Bergh  Ronan, MT  Round Butte Future Stockmen  

1st  Grace  Elverud  Charlo, MT  Charlo Junior Stockgrowers  

2nd  Brielle  Zempel  Charlo, MT  Charlo Junior Stockgrowers  

2nd  Cadence  Schweigert  Polson, MT  Round Butte Future Stockmen


Lot 1 - Novice Showmanship 

2nd  Haylee  Walchuk  Ronan, MT  Round Butte Future Stockmen 

2nd  Emmit  Bartel  Polson, MT  Pend d'Orielle Gleaners 

2nd  Carnell  Smith  Ronan, MT  Saddle Mountain 4-H Club

2nd  Cloe  Barron  Ronan, MT  Saddle Mountain 4-H Club  

2nd  Sadler  McCollum  Ronan, MT  Round Butte Future Stockmen


Lot 2 - Junior Showmanship

1st  Mason  Clairmont  Ronan, MT  Round Butte Future Stockmen

1st  Gabby  Smith  Charlo, MT  Mission Valley Ranch Hands 

1st  Sydney  Taylor  Ronan, MT  Rocky Mountain Explorers  

1st  Megan  Evelo  St Ignatius, MT  Mission Valley Ranch Hands  

1st  Kiara  Sherman  Ronan, MT  Rocky Mountain Explorers 

1st  Madisyn  Evelo  St Ignatius, MT  Mission Valley Ranch Hands

2nd  Coleton  Sherman  Ronan, MT  Rocky Mountain Explorers 

2nd  Ariana  Zempel  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails 

2nd  Braydon  Zempel  Charlo, MT  Charlo Junior Stockgrowers  

2nd  Bryanne  Zempel  Charlo, MT  Charlo Junior Stockgrowers  

2nd  Shelby  Tryon  St Ignatius, MT  Leon Community 4-H Club


Lot 3 - Senior Showmanship

1st  Courtnee  Clairmont  Ronan, MT  Round Butte Future Stockmen  

1st  Hallie  Sohr  Ronan, MT  Round Butte Future Stockmen  

1st  Devi  Knutson  Charlo, MT  Charlo Cowgirls & Cowboys

1st  Morgan  Shepard  Charlo, MT  Charlo Cowgirls & Cowboys 

1st  Kyia  Hendrickson  Saint Ignatius, MT  Mission Valley Ranch Hands 

1st  Hailey  Weible  Charlo, MT  Charlo Junior Stockgrowers 

1stKane  Olson  St Ignatius, MT  Mission Valley Ranch Hands 

1stRaychel  Lien  Ronan, MT  Mission Valley Rangers 

2nd  Garett  Vaughan  Charlo, MT  Charlo Cowgirls & Cowboys 

2nd  Tristan  Thingelstad  Ronan, MT  Rocky Mountain Explorers  

2nd  Allison  Delaney  St Ignatius, MT  Charlo Cowgirls & Cowboys  

2nd  Riley  Hutchin  Charlo, MT  Mission Valley Ranch Hands  

2nd  Sierra  Hutchin  Charlo, MT  Mission Valley Ranch Hands  

2nd  Josey  Motichka  Ronan, MT  Round Butte Future Stockmen  

2nd  Madison  Clairmont  Ronan, MT  Round Butte Future Stockmen   

2nd  Regan  Clairmont  Ronan, MT  Round Butte Future Stockmen

2nd  Justin  Evelo  St Ignatius, MT  Mission Valley Ranch Hands  

2nd  Tanner  Hames  St Ignatius, MT  Mission Valley Ranch Hands  

2nd  Megan  Wieder  Dixon, MT  Mission Valley Ranch Hands 

2nd  Ty  Smith  Ronan, MT  Round Butte Future Stockmen


Class D - Bite into Beef

Lot 1 - Activities/Displays

1st  Sadler  McCollum  Ronan, MT  Round Butte Future Stockmen 

1st  Tanner  Hames  St Ignatius, MT  Mission Valley Ranch Hands

2nd  Grace  Elverud  Charlo, MT  Charlo Junior Stockgrowers


Lot 2 - Activities/Displays

2nd  Grace  Elverud  Charlo, MT  Charlo Junior Stockgrowers


Lot 3 - Activities/Displays

1st  Grace  Elverud  Charlo, MT  Charlo Junior Stockgrowers


Lot 4 - Activities/Displays

1st  Grace  Elverud  Charlo, MT  Charlo Junior Stockgrowers


Class F - Leading the Charge

Lot 1 - Activities/Displays

1st  Justin  Evelo  St Ignatius, MT  Mission Valley Ranch Hands


Class H - Minature/Lowline Market Beef

Lot 1 - Miniature/Lowline Market Beef

1st  Braydon  Zempel  Charlo, MT  Charlo Junior Stockgrowers 

1st  Megan  Wieder  Dixon, MT  Mission Valley Ranch Hands  

2nd  Brielle  Zempel  Charlo, MT  Charlo Junior Stockgrowers 

2nd  Bryanne  Zempel  Charlo, MT  Charlo Junior Stockgrowers 

2nd  Megan  Evelo  St Ignatius, MT  Mission Valley Ranch Hands 

2nd  Madisyn  Evelo  St Ignatius, MT  Mission Valley Ranch Hands 

2nd  Justin  Evelo  St Ignatius, MT  Mission Valley Ranch Hands


Class I - Minature/Lowline Beef Breeding

Lot 1 - Hereford Cow/Calf Pair

1st  Ariana  Zempel  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails

2nd  Braydon  Zempel  Charlo, MT  Charlo Junior Stockgrowers


Lot 2 - Hereford Heifer 1-2 yr old

1st  Brielle  Zempel  Charlo, MT  Charlo Junior Stockgrowers  

1st  Megan  Wieder  Dixon, MT  Mission Valley Ranch Hands  

2nd  Megan  Evelo  St Ignatius, MT  Mission Valley Ranch Hands


Lot 3 - Hereford Heifer under 1 yr

2nd  Ariana  Zempel  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails


Lot 4 - Black Angus Cow/calf Pair

1st  Devi  Knutson  Charlo, MT  Charlo Cowgirls & Cowboys


Lot 27 - Any Other Heifer under 1 yr

1st  Megan  Wieder  Dixon, MT  Mission Valley Ranch Hands  

2nd  Shelby  Tryon  St Ignatius, MT  Leon Community 4-H Club


Lot 28 - Crossbred Cow/calf Pair

1st  Bryanne  Zempel  Charlo, MT  Charlo Junior Stockgrowers 

2nd  Shelby  Tryon  St Ignatius, MT  Leon Community 4-H Club


Lot 29 - Crossbred Heifer 1-2 yr old

1st  Megan  Evelo  St Ignatius, MT  Mission Valley Ranch Hands

1st  Madisyn  Evelo  St Ignatius, MT  Mission Valley Ranch Hands


Lot 30 - Crossbred Heifer under 1 yr

2nd  Bryanne  Zempel  Charlo, MT  Charlo Junior Stockgrowers


Lot 32 - Steer Calf

1st  Devi  Knutson  Charlo, MT  Charlo Cowgirls & Cowboys

1st  Braydon  Zempel  Charlo, MT  Charlo Junior Stockgrowers


Department 503 - DAIRY

Class A - Dairy Breeds

Lot 3 - Holstein 4-9 months

1st  Courtnee  Clairmont  Ronan, MT  Round Butte Future Stockmen


Class B - Dairy Showmanship

Lot 3 - Senior Showmanship

1st  Courtnee  Clairmont  Ronan, M  TRound Butte Future Stockmen


Department 504 - GOATS

Class B - Purebred Dairy Goat

Lot 16 - Nubian Doe under 1 year

2nd  Aubrey  Dumont  Charlo, MT  Charlo Cowgirls & Cowboys 

2nd  Katelyn  Young  Charlo, MT  Charlo Cowgirls & Cowboys


Lot 17 - Nubian Doe over 1 year

1st  Katelyn  Young  Charlo, MT  Charlo Cowgirls & Cowboys

2nd  Aubrey  Dumont  Charlo, MT  Charlo Cowgirls & Cowboys 

2nd  Payton  Smith  Charlo, MT  Mission Valley Rangers 

2nd  Adriana  Johnson  Polson, M  TMission Valley Rangers


Lot 18 - Nubian Buck under 9 months

2nd  Aubrey  Dumont  Charlo, MT  Charlo Cowgirls & Cowboys


Lot 19 - Nigerian Doe under 1 year

1st  Bryanne  Zempel  Charlo, MT  Charlo Junior Stockgrowers


Lot 20 - Nigerian Doe over 1 year

1st  Bryanne  Zempel  Charlo, MT  Charlo Junior Stockgrowers


Class D - Crossbred Goat

Lot 1 - Doe under 1 year

1st  Aubrey  Dumont  Charlo, MT  Charlo Cowgirls & Cowboys 

1st  Adriana  Johnson  Polson, MT  Mission Valley Rangers 

2nd  Payton  Smith  Charlo, MT  Mission Valley Rangers  

2nd  Katelyn  Young  Charlo, MT  Charlo Cowgirls & Cowboys


Lot 2 - Doe over 1 year

1st Adriana  Johnson  Polson, MT  Mission Valley Rangers 

2nd  Aubrey  Dumont  Charlo, MT  Charlo Cowgirls & Cowboys  

2nd  Katelyn  Young  Charlo, MT  Charlo Cowgirls & Cowboys


Lot 3 - Buck under 9 months

2nd  Katelyn  Young  Charlo, MT  Charlo Cowgirls & Cowboys


Class E - Wether Goats

Lot 1 - Under 1 year

1st  Adriana  Johnson  Polson, MT  Mission Valley Rangers 

2nd  Payton  Smith  Charlo, MT  Mission Valley Rangers  

2nd  Hailey  Weible  Charlo, MT  Charlo Junior Stockgrowers


Lot 2 - Over 1 year

1st  Brielle  Zempel  Charlo, MT  Charlo Junior Stockgrowers


Class F - Goat Showmanship

Lot 1 - Novice Showmanship

1st  Brielle  Zempel  Charlo, MT  Charlo Junior Stockgrowers


Lot 2 - Junior Showmanship

1st  Katelyn  Young  Charlo, MT  Charlo Cowgirls & Cowboys 

1st  Bryanne  Zempe  Charlo, MT  Charlo Junior Stockgrowers  

2nd  Payton  Smith  Charlo, MT  Mission Valley Rangers  

2nd  Aubrey  Dumont  Charlo, MT  Charlo Cowgirls & Cowboys


Lot 3 - Senior Showmanship

1st  Adriana  Johnson  Polson, MT  Mission Valley Rangers  

1st  Hailey  Weible  Charlo, MT  Charlo Junior Stockgrowers


Class K - Stepping out, Level II

Lot 1 - Activities/Displays

1st  Aryal  Love  Charlo, MT  Charlo Junior Stockgrowers


Department 505 - HORSES

Class A - Showmanship

Lot 1 - 9-13

1st  Olivia  ClairmontRonan, MT  Round Butte Future Stockmen  

1st  Tanner  Bergh  Ronan, MT  Round Butte Future Stockmen 

2nd  Lilia  Mitchell  Pablo, MT

2nd  Hayley  Bergh  Ronan, MT  Round Butte Future Stockmen  

2nd  Megan  Evelo  St Ignatius, MT  Mission Valley Ranch Hands  

3rd  Madisyn  Evelo  St Ignatius, MT  Mission Valley Ranch Hands


Lot 2 - 14 and over

1st  Morgan  Shepard  Charlo, MT  Charlo Cowgirls & Cowboys  

1st  Kyia  Hendrickson  Saint Ignatius, MT  Mission Valley Ranch Hands 

2nd  Kylee  WellsArlee, MTMission Valley Ranch Hands


Class D - Open Class


Lot 1 - Western Pleasure 9-13 years

1st  Olivia  Clairmont  Ronan, MT  Round Butte Future Stockmen

1st  Tanner  Bergh  Ronan, MT  Round Butte Future Stockmen  

2nd  Hayley  Bergh  Ronan, MT  Round Butte Future Stockmen


Lot 2 - Western Pleasure 14 years +

1st  Kyia  Hendrickson  Saint Ignatius, MT  Mission Valley Ranch Hands

1st  Kylee  Wells  Arlee, MT  Mission Valley Ranch Hands  

1st  Morgan  Shepard  Charlo, MT  Charlo Cowgirls & Cowboys


Lot 3 - Western Equitation 9-13 years

1st Olivia  Clairmont  Ronan, MT  Round Butte Future Stockmen  

1st  Tanner  Bergh  Ronan, MT  Round Butte Future Stockmen  

1st  Hayley  Bergh  Ronan, MT  Round Butte Future Stockmen


Lot 4 - Western Equitation 14 years +

1st  Kyia  Hendrickson  Saint Ignatius, MT  Mission Valley Ranch Hands 

1st  Kylee  Wells  Arlee, MT  Mission Valley Ranch Hands  

1st  Morgan  Shepard  Charlo, MT  Charlo Cowgirls & Cowboys


Lot 6 - English Pleasure 14 years +

1st  Morgan  Shepard  Charlo, MT  Charlo Cowgirls & Cowboys


Class E - Horsemanship English

Lot 3 - Level 3

2nd  Morgan  Shepard  Charlo, MT  Charlo Cowgirls & Cowboys


Class F - Horsemanship Western

Lot 2 - Level 2

1st  Hayley  Bergh  Ronan, MT  Round Butte Future Stockmen


Lot 3 - Level 3

1st  Olivia  Clairmont  Ronan, MT  Round Butte Future Stockmen 

1st  Tanner  Bergh  Ronan, MT  Round Butte Future Stockmen


Lot 4 - Level 4

1st  Morgan  Shepard  Charlo, MT  Charlo Cowgirls & Cowboys


Lot 5 - Level 5

1st  Kyia  Hendrickson  Saint Ignatius, MT  Mission Valley Ranch Hands


Lot 6 - Level 6

1st  Kylee  Wells  Arlee, MT  Mission Valley Ranch Hands


Class G - Ranch Horse

Lot 1 - Level 1

1st  Tanner  Bergh  Ronan, MT  Round Butte Future Stockmen


Lot 2 - Level 2

1st  Kyia  Hendrickson  Saint Ignatius, MT  Mission Valley Ranch Hands


Lot 3 - Level 3

1st  Kylee  Wells  Arlee, MT  Mission Valley Ranch Hands

2nd  Morgan  Shepard  Charlo, MT  Charlo Cowgirls & Cowboys


Lot 5 - Ranch Horse

1st  Aislynn  Love  Charlo, MT  Charlo Junior Stockgrowers


Class H - Trail

Lot 1 - 9-13

1st  Olivia  Clairmont  Ronan, MT  Round Butte Future Stockmen  

1st  Tanner  Bergh  Ronan, MT  Round Butte Future Stockmen  

1st  Hayley  Bergh  Ronan, MT  Round Butte Future Stockmen


Lot 2 - 14 and over

1st  Morgan  Shepard  Charlo, MT  Charlo Cowgirls & Cowboys 

1st  Kyia  Hendrickson  Saint Ignatius, MT  Mission Valley Ranch Hands  

1st  Kylee  Wells  Arlee, MT  Mission Valley Ranch Hands


Class J - Mini Horse Obstacle

Lot 2 - Level 2

1st  Lilia  Mitchell  Pablo, MT 

2nd  Madisyn  Evelo  St Ignatius, MT  Mission Valley Ranch Hands


Lot 3 - Level 3

2nd  Megan  Evelo  St Ignatius, MT  Mission Valley Ranch Hands


Class K - Mini Horse Jumping

Lot 2 - Level 2

2nd  Madisyn  Evelo  St Ignatius, MT  Mission Valley Ranch Hands


Lot 3 - Level 3

2nd  Megan  Evelo  St Ignatius, MT  Mission Valley Ranch Hands


Class L - Costume Class

Lot 1 - CostumeCLass

1st   Lilia  Mitchell  Pablo, MT


Class N - Inpendent Study

Lot 1 - Independent Study

1st  Elsie  Detert  Charlo, MT  Charlo Junior Stockgrowers


Department 507 - SHEEP

Class A - Market Lamb

Lot 1 - Market Lamb

1st  Benjamin  Mitchell  Pablo, MT  Saddle Mountain 4-H Club  

1st  Micaiah  Mitchell  Pablo, MT  Saddle Mountain 4-H Club  

1st  Tameron  Truman  Charlo, MT  Charlo Cowgirls & Cowboys  

1st  Hayley  Bergh  Ronan, MT  Round Butte Future Stockmen  

1st  Kimberly  Zempel  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails  

1st  Ariana  Zempel  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails  

1st  Branson  Zempel  Charlo, MT  Charlo Junior Stockgrowers

1st  Venessa  Wheeler  Proctor, MT  Mission Valley Ranch Hands  

1st  Nikki  Kendall  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails  

1st  Daniel  Kelsch  Ronan, MT  Round Butte Future Stockmen  

2nd  Lilia  Mitchell  Pablo, MT  

2nd Teaira  Truman  Charlo, MT  Charlo Cowgirls & Cowboys 

2nd  Taylan  Truman  Charlo, MT  Charlo Cowgirls & Cowboys 

2nd  Shawnte  Erickson  Pablo, MT  Saddle Mountain 4-H Club 

2nd  Shailee  Erickson  Pablo, MT  Saddle Mountain 4-H Club  

2nd  Kaydee  Wheeler  Proctor, MT  Mission Valley Ranch Hands  

2nd  Caitlyn  Ward  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails  

2nd  Tyler  Kelsch  Ronan, MT  Round Butte Future Stockmen  

2nd  Shelby  Tryon  St Ignatius, MT  Leon Community 4-H Club


Lot 2 - Foundation Lamb

2nd  Hayley  Bergh  Ronan, MT  Round Butte Future Stockmen


Class B - Feeder

Lot 1 - Feeder

3rd  Ryan  Kendall  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails

3rd  Tyler  Kendall  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails


Class D - Breeding stock Ewe

Lot 1 - Suffolk Ewe Lamb

2nd  Shailee  Erickson  Pablo, MT  Saddle Mountain 4-H Club


Lot 10 - Cross Breed- Ewe Lamb

1st  Gabby  Smith  Charlo, MT  Mission Valley Ranch Hands


Lot 11 - Cross Breed- Ewe 1-2 yrs

1st  Sierra  Hutchin  Charlo, MT  Mission Valley Ranch Hands


Class E - Showmanship

Lot 1 - Novice

1st  Kimberly  Zempel  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails  

1st  Venessa  Wheeler  Proctor, MT  Mission Valley Ranch Hands  

1st  Ryan  Kendall  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails  

1st  Caitlyn  Ward  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails


Lot 2 - Junior a

1st  Daniel  Kelsch Ronan, MT Round Butte Future Stockmen  

1st Hayley  Bergh Ronan, MT Round Butte Future Stockmen

1st Ariana  Zempel  Polson, MT Pistols and Ponytails  

2nd  Lilia  Mitchell  Pablo, MT  

2nd  Shawnte  Erickson  Pablo, MT  Saddle Mountain 4-H Club  

2nd  Nikki  Kendall  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails  

2nd  Shelby  Tryon  St Ignatius, MT  Leon Community 4-H Club


Lot 3 - Senior

1st  Teaira  Truman  Charlo, MT  Charlo Cowgirls & Cowboys

1st  Sierra  Hutchin  Charlo, MT  Mission Valley Ranch Hands 

1st  Tyler  Kelsch  Ronan, MT  Round Butte Future Stockmen  

2ndT  aylan  Truman  Charlo, MT  Charlo Cowgirls & Cowboys

2nd  Shailee  Erickson  Pablo, MT  Saddle Mountain 4-H Club 

2nd  Tyler  Kendall  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails


Lot 4 - Junior B

1st  Jackson  Davis  Ronan, MT  Round Butte Future Stockmen

1st  Micaiah  Mitchell Pablo, MT  Saddle Mountain 4-H Club 

1st  Kaydee  Wheeler  Proctor, MT  Mission Valley Ranch Hands 

2nd  Benjamin  Mitchell  Pablo, MT  Saddle Mountain 4-H Club 

2nd  Tameron  Truman  Charlo, MT  Charlo Cowgirls & Cowboys 

2nd  Branson  Zempel  Charlo, MT  Charlo Junior Stockgrowers

2nd  Gabby  Smith  Charlo, MT  Mission Valley Ranch Hands


Class G - Lambs/ Rams/ Ewe

Lot 1 - Activities and display

1st  Kaydee  Wheeler  Proctor, MT  Mission Valley Ranch Hands 

1st  Venessa  Wheeler  Proctor, MT  Mission Valley Ranch Hands 

1st  Ryan  Kendall  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails  

1st  Nikki  Kendall  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails  

1st  Caitlyn  Ward  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails

2nd  Hayley  Bergh  Ronan, MT  Round Butte Future Stockmen


Class H - Shear delight

Lot 1 - Activity and displays

1st  Lilia  Mitchell  Pablo, MT


Department 508 - SWINE

Class A - Market Hog

Lot 1 - Market Hog

1st  Ryanne  Rider  Ronan, MT  Mission Valley Rangers  

1st  Hanna  Lytton  Ronan, MT  Rocky Mountain Explorers  

1st  Austin  Oberwegner  Polson, MTPend d'Orielle Gleaners  

1st  Emily  Gerrity  Polson, MT  Pend d'Orielle Gleaners 

1st  James  Farrier  Polson, MT  Pend d'Orielle Gleaners

1st  Bella  Farrier  Polson, MT  Pend d'Orielle Gleaners 

1st  Adriana  Johnson  Polson, MT  Mission Valley Rangers 

1st  Katelyn  Young  Charlo, MT  Charlo Cowgirls & Cowboys 

1st  Tayre  Brown  Charlo, MT  Charlo Junior Stockgrowers 

1st  Kiana  Brown  Charlo, MT  Charlo Junior Stockgrowers

1st  Stetson  Reum  Charlo, MT  Charlo Junior Stockgrowers 

1st  Aryal  Love  Charlo, MT  Charlo Junior Stockgrowers

1st  Riley  Hutchin  Charlo, MT  Mission Valley Ranch Hands

1st  Shelby  Taylor  Ronan, MT  Rocky Mountain Explorers 

1st  Nathaniel  Young  St Ignatius, MT  Rocky Mountain Explorers 

1st  Ashley  Shenyer  Charlo, MT  Charlo Junior Stockgrowers

1st  Jessica  Shenyer  Charlo, MT  Charlo Junior Stockgrowers 

1st  Kane  Shenyer  Charlo, MT  Charlo Junior Stockgrowers

1st  Charmayne  Morrison  Polson, MT  Round Butte Future Stockmen 

1st  Abigail  Krantz  Charlo, MT  Mission Valley Ranch Hands 

1st  Ryle  LytleRonan, MT  Round Butte Future Stockmen 

1st  Aspen  Krantz  Charlo, MT  Mission Valley Ranch Hands 

1st  Sackett  Andres  Arlee, MT  Mission Valley Ranch Hands 

1st  Zane  Walchuk  Ronan, MT  Round Butte Future Stockmen 

1st  Mason  Sloan  Ronan, MT  Pend d'Orielle Gleaners

1st  Bailey  Weible  Charlo, MT  Charlo Junior Stockgrowers

2nd  Tucker  Lytton  Ronan, MT  Rocky Mountain Explorers 

2nd  Victor  Perez Carrillo  Polson, MT  Pend d'Orielle Gleaners 

2nd  Tristan  Oberwegner  Polson, MT  Pend d'Orielle Gleaners 

2nd  Sidney  Bauer  Ronan, MT  Mission Valley Rangers 

2nd  Duncan  Chisholm  Ronan, MT  Rocky Mountain Explorers

2nd  Madison  Sevier  Ronan, MT  Rocky Mountain Explorers  

2nd  Matson  McClure  Ronan, MT  Round Butte Future Stockmen 

2nd  Olivia  ClairmontRonan, MT  Round Butte Future Stockmen 

2nd  Tommy  SherryPolson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails 

2nd  Isaac  CantlonCharlo, MT  Rocky Mountain Explorers

2nd  Payton  SmithCharlo, MT  Mission Valley Rangers 

2ndAislynn  LoveCharlo, MTCharlo Junior Stockgrowers 

2nd  Shyanne  Reum  Charlo, MT  Charlo Junior Stockgrowers 

2nd  Devon  Siech  Charlo, MT  Charlo Junior Stockgrowers 

2nd  Adam  Sheumaker  Charlo, MT  Charlo Junior Stockgrowers

2nd  Dalen  Siech  Charlo, MT  Charlo Junior Stockgrowers 

2nd  Tasker  Brown  Charlo, MT  Charlo Junior Stockgrowers 

2nd  Tucker  Love  Charlo, MT  Charlo Junior Stockgrowers 

2nd  Ryan  Walchuk  Ronan, MT  Round Butte Future Stockmen 

2nd  Lachlan  Sloan  Ronan, MT  Pend d'Orielle Gleaners 

2nd  Conner  Cornwell  Ronan, MT  Rocky Mountain Explorers 

2nd  Levi  Nentwig  Charlo, MT  Pend d'Orielle Gleaners

2nd Kamryn  Caye Charlo, MT  Pend d'Orielle Gleaners

2nd Dylan  Sevier Ronan, MT  Rocky Mountain Explorers 

2nd Colter  Cornwell Ronan, MT  Rocky Mountain Explorers


Class C - Breeding Stock

Lot 3 - Hampshire Sow over 9 mos

1st  Nate  Delaney  St Ignatius, MT  Charlo Cowgirls & Cowboys


Lot 8 - Oth Breed Gilt under 9 mos

2nd  Ryle  Lytle  Ronan, MT  Round Butte Future Stockmen


Class D - Showmanship

Lot 1 - Swine showmanshihp Novice

1st  Sidney  Baue  rRonan, MT  Mission Valley Rangers 

1st  Tommy  Sherry  Polson, MT  Pistols and Ponytails

1st  Isaac  Cantlon  Charlo, MT  Rocky Mountain Explorers 

1st  Shelby  Taylor  Ronan, MT  Rocky Mountain Explorers

1st   Nathaniel  Young  St Ignatius, MT  Rocky Mountain Explorers

1st  Levi  Nentwig  Charlo, MT  Pend d'Orielle Gleaners 

1st  Brogan  Youngren  Ronan, MT  Rocky Mountain Explorer

2nd  Tayre  Brown  Charlo, MT  Charlo Junior Stockgrowers 

2nd  Devon  Siech  Charlo, MT  Charlo Junior Stockgrowers


Lot 2 - Swine showmanshihp Junior

1st  Ryanne  Rider  Ronan, MT  Mission Valley Rangers 

1st  James  Farrier  Polson, MT  Pend d'Orielle Gleaners 

1st  Bella  Farrier  Polson, MT  Pend d'Orielle Gleaners

1st  Duncan  Chisholm  Ronan, MT  Rocky Mountain Explorers 

1st  Olivia  Clairmont  Ronan, MT  Round Butte Future Stockmen 

1st  Katelyn  YoungCharlo, MT  Charlo Cowgirls & Cowboys 

1st  Stetson  Reum  Charlo, MT  Charlo Junior Stockgrowers

1st  Adam  Sheumaker  Charlo, MT  Charlo Junior Stockgrowers

1st  Trapper  McAllister  Ronan, MT  Round Butte Future Stockmen

1st  Jessica  Shenyer  Charlo, MT  Charlo Junior Stockgrowers 

1st  Ryan  Walchuk  Ronan, MT  Round Butte Future Stockmen

1st  Lachlan  Sloan  Ronan, MT  Pend d'Orielle Gleaners 

1st  Mason  Sloan  Ronan, MT  Pend d'Orielle Gleaners

1st  Colter  Cornwell  Ronan, MT  Rocky Mountain Explorers

1st  Conner  Cornwell  Ronan, MT  Rocky Mountain Explorers 

1st  Victor  Perez Carrillo  Polson, MT  Pend d'Orielle Gleaners

2nd  Hanna  Lytton  Ronan, MT  Rocky Mountain Explorers 

2nd  Tucker  Lytton  Ronan, MT  Rocky Mountain Explorers  

2nd  Austin  Oberwegner  Polson, MT  Pend d'Orielle Gleaners

2nd  Tristan  Oberwegner  Polson, MT  Pend d'Orielle Gleaners 

2nd  Emily  Gerrity  Polson, MT  Pend d'Orielle Gleaners 

2nd  Dylan  Sevier  Ronan, MT  Rocky Mountain Explorers 

2nd  Payton  Smith  Charlo, MT  Mission Valley Rangers 

2nd  Kiana  Brown  Charlo, MT  Charlo Junior Stockgrowers

2nd  Tasker  Brown  Charlo, MT  Charlo Junior Stockgrowers 

2ndKoy  McAllister  Ronan, MT  Round Butte Future Stockmen

2nd  Tucker  Love  Charlo, MT  Charlo Junior Stockgrowers


Lot 2 - Swine showmanshihp Junior - (cont.)

2nd  Abigail  Krantz  Charlo, MT   Mission Valley Ranch Hands 

2nd  Ryle  Lytle  Ronan, MT  Round Butte Future Stockmen

2nd  Aspen  Krantz  Charlo, MT  Mission Valley Ranch Hands

2nd  Sackett  Andres  Arlee, MT  Mission Valley Ranch Hands


Lot 3 - Swine showmanshihp Senior

1st  Aislynn  Love  Charlo, MT  Charlo Junior Stockgrowers

1st  Shyanne  Reum  Charlo, MT  Charlo Junior Stockgrowers

1st  Aryal  Love  Charlo, MT  Charlo Junior Stockgrowers

1st  Kane  Shenyer  Charlo, MT  Charlo Junior Stockgrowers

1st  Zane  Walchuk  Ronan, MT  Round Butte Future Stockmen

1st  Ashley  Shenyer  Charlo, MT  Charlo Junior Stockgrowers

2nd  Matson  McClure  Ronan, MT  Round Butte Future Stockmen

2nd  Adriana  Johnson  Polson, MT  Mission Valley Rangers

2nd  Nate  Delaney  St Ignatius, MT  Charlo Cowgirls & Cowboys

2nd  Dalen  Siech  Charlo, MT  Charlo Junior Stockgrowers

2nd  Riley  Hutchin  Charlo, MT  Mission Valley Ranch Hands 

2nd  Charmayne  Morrison  Polson, MT  Round Butte Future Stockmen 

2nd  Kamryn  Caye  Charlo, MT  Pend d'Orielle Gleaners 

2nd  Madison  Sevier  Ronan, MT  Rocky Mountain Explorers 

2nd  Bailey  Weible  Charlo, MT  Charlo Junior Stockgrowers


Class E - The Incrediable Pig

Lot 1 - Activities and displays

1st  Nathaniel  Young  St Ignatius, MT  Rocky Mountain Explorers

2nd  Austin  Oberwegner  Polson, MT  Pend d'Orielle Gleaners

2nd  Emily  Gerrity  Polson, MT  Pend d'Orielle Gleaners


Class F - Putting the Oink in Pig

Lot 1 - Activities and displays

1st  Tristan  Oberwegner  Polson, MT  Pend d'Orielle Gleaners


2ndJames  FarrierPolson, MTPend d'Orielle Gleaners


Department 701 - FFA

Class F - CDE DIsplay Project

Lot 12 - Livestock Eval

1st  Courtnee  Clairmont  Ronan, MT  Round Butte Future Stockmen


Department 702 - Citizenship

Class A - Navatgating Citizenship

Lot 1 - Leadership

1st  Tristan  Oberwegner  Polson, MT  Pend d'Orielle Gleaners

1st  Ashley  Shenyer  Charlo, MT  Charlo Junior Stockgrowers


Class B - Global Citizenship

Lot 1 - Leadership -

1st  Joanie  Mercer  Polson, MT  Pend d'Orielle Gleaners


Class D - Independent Study

Lot 1 - Citi Independent

1st  Anabella  Smith  Ronan, MT  Saddle Mountain 4-H Club





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