Briefs for May31, 2017
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March For Truth held in Helena
What is the March for Truth? Across the country, peaceful demonstrations are being held on Saturday, June 3, to call for an impartial investigation into Russian interference in the US election, including ties to the President and his administration.
Montanans are joining over 100 sister Marches For Truth nationwide and gathering at the steps of the Montana State Capitol. American citizens want answers to questions about the relationship between the Russian state and Donald Trump, his associates and his campaign.
Special Counsel on the Russia investigation, Director Mueller, will still be in the chain of command under the Trump-appointed leadership of the Justice Department so we still need an independent commission with subpoena powers. Mueller cannot take the place of a truly independent, outside commission that is completely free from any administration meddling. In addition, the Congressional investigations must continue. As Rep. John Conyers, Ranking Member of the House Committee on the Judiciary noted, “the appointment of a special counsel does not relieve Congress of its responsibility to conduct oversight of the Trump Administration.”
This isn’t about party. This is about rule of law, and potentially egregious conflicts of interest within the Executive Branch.
Speakers include: Julie Sirrs, Montanans for National Security and attorney with undergraduate degree in Russian Area Studies from Georgetown; Tobin Miller Shearer an associate professor of history at the University of Montana; Josh Manning, former military intelligence analyst; Andrew Person and others.
For further information and carpooling go to: or
Free meals for children served during summer break
News from the Montana Office of Public Instruction
Communities across Montana plan to operate USDA’s Summer Food Service Program and serve free meals to kids. To find a location near you: text Lunch to 877-877 or visit
Meals at summer sites are free to all kids age 18 and under. All kids have to do is show up.
Learn more about the Summer Food Service Program by visiting the Montana School Nutrition Programs website: