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Job Corps students volunteer around county

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News from Kicking Horse Job Corps

In honor of Earth Day and Global Youth Service Day, Kicking Horse Job Corps students could be seen around the Mission Valley this week doing their part to give back.  

The Facilities Maintenance vocation has been helping the Port Polson Players with removing the old theatre seats and installing new ones. The students were able to apply the training they have received while in the Job Corps program.

At the Mission Valley Aquatics Center, Culinary Arts and Pharmacy Tech students cleaned the outside areas. KHJC students enjoy the pool as part of their recreational activities every week.  Pharmacy Tech student Amelia Wierman said, “It’s nice to take care of the environment because we all live here and need to take care of the earth.”

Heavy Equipment Operator students continued their efforts of cleaning Mollman Pass Trail.  The students can be seen out there on a regular basis, making sure there is nothing to distract from the view of the Mission Mountains as people drive out to the center.

The kids at the Turtle Lake Head Start will be able to enjoy nature a little more as the Nursing Assistant students worked on their road, giving it a nice clean spring start.

The Visitors Center at the top of Ravalli Hill is nearly ready to welcome visitors to our area after the Equipment Repair students spent their afternoon sprucing things up.

Kicking Horse Job Corps serves American youth aged 16 through 24 who may be academically or economically disadvantaged, unemployed, and/or lack the necessary skills and knowledge to become gainfully employed. The Job Corps program at Kicking Horse provides Career Technical Training Skills, education, work experience, counseling, health care, and other support services in a residential setting which ensures a safe and secure environment. The primary aim is to help the enrollees to become responsible adults, to obtain and hold productive jobs, to return to school or further training, or to satisfy Armed Forces’ entrance requirements.  

The public is invited to KHJC’s semi-annual open house on Wednesday, April 26 from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.  Join us for tours of the facility as well as a free lunch. Admissions counselors will be available for anyone interested in learning more about enrolling in Job Corps.

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