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Wireless broadband to expand in rural Montana 

News from the office of Senator Steve Daines

BOZEMAN — U.S. Senator Steve Daines secured the expansion of wireless broadband access in rural Montana on Dec. 21, 2016 when the Federal Communications Commission provided final regulatory approval for T-Mobile to provide 4G LTE service to areas covering more than 1,000,000 people in Montana and Wyoming.

Daines called on nationwide wireless companies to improve their service in rural America over a year ago.

“Montanans know all too well the feeling of seeing your call dropped, pressing send on text messages that will never get sent in the rural parts of our state,” Daines stated. “Today’s announcement that T-Mobile will be able to expand their coverage to the underserved part of our state is great news for connectivity and the safety of Montanans on our roadways.”

Website connects job seekers with farms, ranches News from Farm Link Montana

News from Farm Link Montana

MONTANA — As the growing season comes to an end, farmers and ranchers across Montana have begun to post openings for the 2017 season on Farm Link Montana. With more than 25 openings listed and more published each week, Farm Link Montana is a great place to start or continue a career in agriculture.

This free web resource connects job and internship seekers with Montana farms and ranches producing grain, pulses, organic vegetables, cattle, dairy, hops and more. The site features a map displaying farms and ranches with open positions, which are searchable by type of production. Applicants can read information about each operation and fill out one common application form for all positions.

Although each position is different, most jobs and internships run the whole season, April to November. Early application is encouraged as many farmers and ranchers do their hiring during the winter months. Farms and ranches seeking employees can also list on Farm Link Montana for free.

For more information and to apply for farm and ranch jobs, visit www. or contact dave@

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