Briefs for Nov. 23, 2016
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North Crow neighborhood to host 87th program
RONAN — North Crow Women’s Club will host their 87th annual Christmas Program Monday, Dec. 12, at 7 p.m. as local children share their talent with friends and neighbors. Children — and some adults — will sing Christmas Carols, play an instrument, read a favorite Christmas story or whatever talent they wish to share. At the end of the program, Santa arrives with a treat for the kids. We also share our famous popcorn balls with everyone, along with cookies and cider.
Join friends for turkey
LAKE COUNTY — Free Community Thanksgiving Dinners will be served up on Nov. 24. Enjoy a home cooked meal with friends in Polson at the Polson Senior Center for 11 a.m.-2 p.m., in Ronan at the Ronan Community Center from 11 a.m.-3 p.m., and in St. Ignatius at the St. Ignatius Middle School Commons from noon-2 p.m. Details in Calendar section on page 33.