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DIXON — The optimist in me says we will have more Autumn weather to enjoy and can finish planting bulbs, which will come up in the spring, a reward for going through one more resting season. The birds have stripped my mountain ash of multitudes of bright berries, the last of my frozen tomatoes are put away for further use. I still need to bring in buckets of apples before the local bears remember where they found some last fall.

Sadly, a very special lady from our area has passed recently. Sharon Wittwer Cole leaves family and friends with a void in their lives, though it is partially filled with memories of her laughter, sense of fun, pride of family, and her years of energetic service to the Dixon Senior Center. We hold many memories of her lively piano playing while awaiting meals, playing “Happy Birthday” and any other time she would “tickle the ivories” for us. R.I.P. dear Sharon, now you can be playing with harps.

The Dixon Community Baptist Church building has become unsuitable for occupancy.

Fortunately, the Dixon Senior Center is available for as a temporary meeting place. It is very much appreciated to have such a comfortable place to hold services each Sunday.Anyone is very welcome to join the congregation of friends in worship, song, (potlucks on the first Sunday of the month), and happy fellowship. Come on in at 11 a.m. any Sunday.

Our meals are served at noon on Thursdays and at 6 p.m. every Monday evening. Cook Jen will prepare more delicious meals for the rest of October...the menu is:

— Thursday, Oct.20: meatballs

— Monday, Oct. 24: Indian tacos (fry bread)

— Thursday, Oct 27: beef Stroganoff

— Monday, Oct. 31: chicken-broccoli Alfredo

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