Reconstruction project proposed for Highway 93
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News from the Montana Department of Transportation
RONAN — The Montana Department of Transportation would like to notify the public and seek comments on a proposal to reconstruct about 3.4 miles of U.S. Highway 93, south of the Ninepipes Reservoir. The project begins at Red Horn Road/Dublin Gulch Road, at reference post 36.8 and extends north for 3.6 miles ending near Ninepipe Reservoir at reference post 40.4.
Proposed work includes the construction of a two-lane highway with 8-foot shoulders, a 1.8-mile northbound passing lane from reference post 38.2 to 40.0, and protected left-turn lanes at the intersections of Red Horn Road, Post Creek Road, McDonald Lake Road, and Gunlock Road. The project will also incorporate a 500-foot long bridge at Post Creek, large and small animal wildlife crossings and associated wildlife fencing, perpetuation of existing irrigation canal crossings, and a separate pedestrian/bicycle pathway on one side of the highway.
Pursuant to the approved environmental documents, the highway alignment will meander from its current straight alignment. The project will require mitigation of several wetlands areas and potential realignment of Post Creek and Ashley Creek. The purpose of this project is to improve the performance, safety and ride quality of US Highway 93.
Right-of-way acquisition and relocation of utilities will be required. MDT staff will contact all affected landowners prior to doing survey work on their land. Staff will again contact landowners prior to construction regarding property acquisition and temporary construction permits.
For more information, please contact Missoula District Administrator Ed Toavs at (406) 523-5802 or Project Design Engineer Miki Lloyd at (406) 444-9200. For the hearing impaired, the TTY number is (406) 444-7696 or 1-800-335-7592, or call the Montana Relay at 711. Members of the public may submit written comments to the Montana Department of Transportation Missoula office at PO Box 7039, Missoula MT 59807-7039, or online at
Please note that your comments are for project UPN 8008000. Alternative accessible formats of this information will be provided upon request.