Anonymous donor boosts Ronan Library
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RONAN — At a Ronan City Council meeting on Monday evening, Ronan City Library Board Chairman Frank Delgado and library director Michelle Fenger requested a budget amendment in the Ronan City Library’s budget.
The amendment follows a anonymous donation of $13,000 to the library.
“We are very very appreciative of the donor,” Fenger said, noting that the woman wishes to remain unknown. “(The donation) helped us reach our $54,000 budget.”
Fenger also announced the Friends of the Library group has specific ideas to fundraise for the library. They will not publicize their fundraising ideas until the plans are finalized.
Fenger invited members of the city council to the Friends of the Library meeting Thursday at 1:30 p.m. The Friends of the Library group meets every second Thursday of the month at 1:30 p.m. in the library to discuss different fundraising ideas and opportunities.
The library budget amendment was unanimously approved by the city council.
Shortly after council member Ellen Kaphammer and Paul Soukup were sworn in as the newest members of city council, Pam Gibson from the Lake County Spay/Neuter Task Force approached the council requesting financial help with the Spay and Neuter Clinic.
The clinic will be held on May 1 and 2, 2010.
“We would like you to consider helping us this year,” Gibson said.
She noted that in previous years, the city has donated to the highly popular event from the animal control fund in the police department budget.
Ronan Police Chief Dan Wadsworth said that the police department did not have the money in their budget to donate to the Spay and Neuter Task Force this year.
Council members said they would discuss the issue and have a response to her request in a month.
The finance committee suggested that the council should hold a work meeting to discuss how to better manage city funds and ways to bring in additional income. The council moved to meet on Feb. 18 for a work meeting to discuss the financial issues.
After officially hiring Troy Rexin, the newest member of the Ronan Police Department, the council voted unanimously to pay all the bills.
The next Ronan City Council Meeting will be held