Valley Journal
Valley Journal

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Ongoing Events

‘Park After Dark’ winter hike offered at Lone Pine State Park

KALISPELL — On Wednesday, Feb. 16, from  7:30-9 p.m. experience Lone Pine State Park on a wintery night on this full moon hike. Moon views vary depending on cloud cover, but you’re guaranteed a nighttime adventure that experiences the park after hours. Be sure to dress for the weather. Trails are typically icy at this time of year, so wear micro spikes like Yaktrax if there’s snow on the ground. We’ll have snowshoes available if needed. Please bring a flashlight or headlamp. Call the visitor center at 406-755-2706, ext. 0, to register, as space is limited. Cost is $4 per hiker ($8 entry fee for non-resident vehicles).


‘Prepare to be Bear Aware’ education class offered at Lone Pine



KALISPELL — On Saturday, March 16, at 10 a.m. at Lone Pine State Park Visitor Center, you can learn safety tips and tools to keep people safe and bears wild as they emerge from their dens this spring. Join us as we share practical strategies designed to minimize bear-human conflicts and promote coexistence. From securing garbage bins to proper food storage techniques, we will share provide invaluable insights into creating bear-resistant environments. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to learn, connect, and take action for the well-being of all. Registration is required as space is limited. There is no charge for this program. ($8 park entry fee still applies to out-of-state vehicles). For more information visit: or call 406-755-2706


Arlee to hold free screening clinic

ARLEE — A free Developmental and Preschool Screening Clinic for children ages 0 to 5 for Arlee School District will be held on Oct. 29, 2024, from 9 a.m.–11:30 a.m. at Arlee Elementary School. This free screening will include gross motor, fine motor, language concepts, communication concepts, communication skills, hearing and vision screening. 

Call 406-726-3216 to schedule an appointment for your child’s screening or to receive more information.

Attend ‘Here Comes the Sun’ Concert

POLSON — The Polson Fairground Amphitheatre is the site of the “Here Comes the Sun” concert. This concert celebrates the sounds and songs of the Beatles at 7 p.m. on Sunday, Aug. 29. Bring lawn chairs or blankets. Food trucks will be on site at 5:30 p.m. Tickets are $20 each.


Country Jam, dances cancelled

POLSON — Our Classic Country Jammin’ scheduled for April 5, at the Elks Ballroom in Polson is cancelled until further notice. Wednesday night dances at the Elks’ ballroom in Polson are also cancelled until further notice. We pray that everyone is staying home and being safe. We do have to go out for essentials and that is okay. Lake City Bakery, McDonalds and Burgerville are open in Polson for take outs. We are all in this together and need to help each other wherever we can, physically or financially. Please encourage one another and we will all get through this. Don’t be prideful and not ask for help, if you really need it. This hardship we are going through may take a little time but if we all work together and for each other, it will pass. We hope to see you all again very soon.

Donation day planned at library

POLSON —Friends of the Library will hold their donation day on Nov. 2 for the month of November. You can donate up to two boxes of books per donation. Please make sure they are in good, clean condition. Visit: and go to the “about us” tab and choose material donation policy for specific details.


Experience ‘Lights under the Big Sky’

RONAN — On Saturday, Dec. 11, “Lights Under the Big Sky” will provide fun and entertainment for residents of the Mission Valley at the Ronan Fairgrounds from 5-9 p.m. There will be holiday lights displays; family activities and Santa.


Faith Lutheran to hold Advent, Christmas Eve services

RONAN - Faith Lutheran Church, 406 5th Ave. SW, will hold Advent services on Wednesdays, Dec. 4, 11, and 18, at 7 p.m. and a Christmas Candlelight service on Dec. 24, at 4 p.m.


Friday, August 25

Polson Area Pickleball Round Robin Competition held


POLSON — Now is your chance to have some serious fun and discover why pickleball is the fastest growing sport nationwide. This fun-free event is hosted by the City of Polson Parks & Recreation and open to all area residents aged 18 or older. 3.0 level or below players will compete on Friday, Aug. 25, and 3.5 level or above players are scheduled for Saturday, Aug. 26. Both divisions need to register on their appointed day between 7-7:30 a.m. at the O’Malley Park pickleball courts located at 11th Ave. E and 4th Street E. Play begins at 8 a.m. and is limited to the first 15 players registered. For more information contact Mike Marnin at 406-696-9292 or:

mikemarnin@hotmail. com 

Flathead River Rodeo returns


POLSON — The four-time Indian National Finals Rodeo of the year, Flathead River Rodeo, returns to the Flathead Reservation in Polson on Aug. 25, 26 and 27, at the Polson Fairgrounds. 

Indian National Finals Tour Rodeo draws contestants from all over the U.S. and Canada to compete for over $50,000 in prize money and awards, and is a qualifying event for the INFR Finals, held in Las Vegas in November. 

Produced by KwaTaqNuk Resort & Casino and the CSKT Tribes, the event features three days of rodeo action, food and beverage vendors, other vendors, a large screen TV in the arena and live music each night after rodeo action. 


Local goods sold at Polson Farmers Market


POLSON — The Polson Farmer’s Market is open every Friday from 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. until October. Located in downtown Polson, 3rd Ave. W, (in front of the Cove Deli) the market offers locally produced fresh vegetables, fruits, meats, cheese, eggs, honey, jams & jellies, baked goods, bedding plants, perennials, shrubs, veggie & herb starts, hanging baskets, cut flowers, soaps, skin care products, wood working products, jewelry, photography, art, pottery, and many more unique craft items.



Local goods sold at Polson Farmers Market


POLSON — The Polson Farmer’s Market is open every Friday from 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. until October. Located in downtown Polson, Third Ave. W, (in front of the Cove Deli) the market offers locally produced fresh vegetables, fruits, meats, cheese, eggs, honey, jams & jellies, baked goods, bedding plants, perennials, shrubs, veggie & herb starts, hanging baskets, cut flowers, soaps, skin care products, wood working products, jewelry, photography, art, pottery, and many more unique craft items. 

Polson seniors to elect center officers


POLSON — The Annual Meeting of the Polson Senior Citizens will be held on Friday, August 25th at 11:30 a.m. at the Polson Senior Citizens Community Center.  The Annual Report will be presented,  Nomination and Election of Officers and Board of Directors will be held. Lunch will be available immediately following the meeting.


Saturday, August 26

‘Day of Hope’ held in Polson


POLSON — The Day of Hope, Back to School Health Fair is back and coming to downtown Polson on Saturday, Aug. 26, from 9 a.m.-2 p.m., located between First St. W and Third Ave. W in front of the Cove in downtown. This free community event is brought to you by our local faith community, multiple nonprofits, and various business sponsors across the Polson and Mission Valley areas. 

The Day of Hope will include free health screenings, car seat safety checks, giveaways like free school supplies, backpacks, and more while supplies last.There will be experiences for the kids to explore fire trucks, police cars, meet local VIPS, and more. The Day of Hope will also have some of the valley’s best food trucks on hand and will have food available for purchase.


Tags:  Day of Hope   Polson   Mission Valley  

Enjoy Ronan’s Farmer’s Market


RONAN — Every Thursday through Oct. 12, enjoy the Ronan Farmer’s Market from 3:30-6:30 p.m. at the Ronan Visitor’s Center on Highway 93.


Summer Wine-Beer Fest held at KOA


POLSON — Kiwanis Intl. of Polson will hold their annual Sunset to Summer Wine-Beer Fest under the stars at the beautiful KOA in Polson on Aug. 26 from 5:30-7:30 p.m. Tickets are $30 each, which includes six drinks and substantial appetizers. There will be a raffle and a silent auction with several prizes awarded during the event. All proceeds help to fund Kiwanis college scholarships as well as the Middle School band, CASA, Junior Golf and Special Olympics to name a few. Tickets are available for sale in advance from Kiwanis members and at the door or call Irene Marchello at 406-249-0969 for more details. Please join us for a lovely evening overlooking Flathead Lake and the Mission Mountains and all for a good cause. 

Sunday, August 27

Polson golf championship played


POLSON — Polson Bay Golf Course will host the Club Championship for PBGC pass holders on Aug. 28. Call 406-407- 7656 for more information. 

Monday, August 28

Polson golf championship played


POLSON — Polson Bay Golf Course will host the Club Championship for PBGC pass holders on Aug. 28. Call 406-407-7656 for more information.

Tags:  Polson golf course   Polson  

Wednesday, August 30

Free online meditation classes offered


ZOOM — Mission Mountain Zen is offering free online meditation classes. Please join the Mission Mountain Zen Center on Wednesday, Aug. 30, and on subsequent Wednesdays, for an online meditation class led by Zen Teacher, Zenku, including meditation instruction, practice and discussion via Zoom. The classes will be each Wednesday from 6-7:30 p.m.  Please join us and take advantage of this opportunity. For more information and a Zoom link to the class call Zenku at 847-721-0665 or email at

Free online meditation classes offered


ZOOM — Mission Mountain Zen is offering free online meditation classes. Please join the Mission Mountain Zen Center on Wednesday, Aug. 30, and on subsequent Wednesdays, for an online meditation class led by Zen Teacher, Zenku, including meditation instruction, practice and discussion via Zoom. The classes will be each Wednesday from 6-7:30 p.m.  Please join us and take advantage of this opportunity. For more information and a Zoom link to the class call Zenku at 847-721-0665 or email at

Thursday, August 31

Story Time starts again


POLSON — On Thursday, Aug. 31, at 10 a.m. the North Lake County Public Library’s “Story Time” begins again.  It must be fall. Please join us at our temporary location: First United Methodist Church, 301 16th Ave. E. Story Time is geared toward kindergarten readiness, ages 3-5, but everyone is welcome. We read books, make crafts, and play games. Parents and caregivers are encouraged to join in this interactive program.


Saturday, September 2

Big Arm cooks breakfast


BIG ARM — Come and join us at the historic Big Arm School and bring your appetites. Our kitchen crew will be whipped up a delightful breakfast of pancakes, scrambled egg, sausage, coffee, and juice. We will be serving breakfast from 8:30-11 a.m. We do not charge for the meal-but monetary donations are greatly appreciated. These donations help 

Library closes for holiday


POLSON — The North Lake County Public Library will be closed on Saturday, Sept. 2, Sunday, Sept. 3, and Monday, Sept. 4, for the Labor Day weekend.



Ninepipes holds ‘First Saturday’ event


CHARLO — The Ninpipes Museum of Early Montana presents another “First Saturday” event from 10:30 a.m.-4 p.m. Cameron and Aspen Decker will provide a 20 minute presentation on traditional Native arts from 1-1:20 p.m. Ariel Bleth, a mosaic artist, Shannon DePoe, an artist, Ryder Parot, a flutist and Janice & Megan Snook, porcelain artists will also be present. For more information call 406-644-2435 or go to


Tuesday, September 5

Wildlife biologist to present at Horsemen meeting


RONAN — Mission Valley Back Country Horsemen will hold their next monthly meeting on Tuesday, Sept. 5, at 7 p.m. at the VFW in Ronan on Round Butte Road. Our program will be presented by Jessica Reyes, wildlife biologist, bear conflict specialist and wildlife service dog specialist of the Wind River Bear Institute. She will give a PowerPoint presentation and bring two of her Karelian bear dogs. The public is welcome. 

Wednesday, September 6

Chamber lunch held


POLSON — The Polson Chamber of Commerce luncheon will be held at the KwaTaqNuk from noon to 1 p.m. These luncheons give you access to community leaders, help you promote your business and give you insight into community wide issues.

Free online meditation classes offered


ZOOM — Mission Mountain Zen is offering free online meditation classes. Please join the Mission Mountain Zen Center on Wednesday, Sept. 6, and on subsequent Wednesdays, for an online meditation class led by Zen Teacher, Zenku, including meditation instruction, practice and discussion via Zoom. The classes will be each Wednesday from 6-7:30 p.m.  Please join us and take advantage of this opportunity. For more information and a Zoom link to the class call Zenku at 847-721-0665 or email at

Polson City Commission meeting date change


POLSON — The Polson City Commission meets the first and third Mondays of each month (Wednesday, if the Monday falls on a holiday) at 7 p.m. at City Hall, 106 First Street, E. Meetings are open to the public. Monday, Sept. 4, is Labor Day so the Commission will be on Wednesday.

Polson City Commission to meet


POLSON — The Polson City Commission meets the first and third Mondays of each month (Wednesday, if the Monday falls on a holiday) at 7 p.m. at City Hall, 106 First Street, E. Meetings are open to the public. Monday Sept. 4 is Labor Day so the Commission will be on Wednesday.

Tribal Health Harvest Fest to focus on health


ARLEE — CSKT Tribal Health is sponsoring a Harvest Fest focusing on health in Arlee on Wednesday, Sept. 6, from 4:30-7:30 p.m. at the Community Center on Powwow Road. The event will feature booths with interactive experiences and information on a variety of health topics, including healthy eating, being smoke-free, and maintaining an active lifestyle. Food demonstrations include a dry meat rack and a fermentation station where attendees can follow a recipe and take home a finished product to complete the fermenting process. Everyone is welcome to attend.

Thursday, September 7

Learn about an immigrant from Haiti


POLSON — Joanne and Jim Simpson and the Polson Senior Center will present: “Living in America: An Immigrant Story of Haiti: From Slavery to the 21st Century” by Mr. Turnier Esperance. Turnier will share the unique story of Haiti at The Polson Senior Center, on Thursday, Sept. 7, at 7 p.m. Those interested may also join us via Zoom - email: for a zoom link. 

Pachyderms to meet


POLSON — The Lake County Republican Pachyderm meeting will take place at the Polson Rural Fire Dept., 25b Regatta Rd. For this one meeting we will be starting at 11:30 a.m. to accommodate the speaker’s schedule.

 Our speaker for this Pachyderm meeting will be Don “K” Kaltschmidt, the Montana GOP Chairman. Come to hear what Don K has to say about the state of the GOP and I am sure there will be time for questions.


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