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Tribal council not legal

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At this time the Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribe is not operating with a legal tribal council. Since the other half of the council is the election board, it’s their responsibility to be certain all rules and laws are met before certification of an accordance with our tribal constitution. Also by denying the women of The Peoples Voice opportunity to meet or set up a forum for the tribal council candidates at the SKC building, then allowing the president of SKC to advertise in the Char-Koosta and hold a forum at the same place is discrimination.

I can’t understand why the membership is going along with this force within our tribal government. When the council requested John Carter at January quarterly to look to the constitution for a tie for chairman they should of had him go over the election rules in accordance with the legality of this election. The tribal council showed their true colors for all to see. And now we expect them to make decisions for the membership? As in the past council, rules do not apply and everyone is beneath them. They all forget they’re elected — in this case, not even. 

We have membership still waiting for their other half of Salazar. Members with felonies losing equality, facing less of per capita income or no per capita with Kerr Dam, which the power could be boycotted at anytime and we gain what? Decide for yourselves with these 2013 Tribal Election rules. Please get a copy and read them. All of the tribal candidates got a copy, so to clarify on page 9, 10: CAMPAIGNING a. At no time in the period between and during elections shall: (1) campaign speeches and distribution of materials to persons or entities be allowed in Tribal, BIA, Tribal Health, BLM, SOD, SKHA and SKC Buildings.

Shelley Hendrickson 


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