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Legislative Notes  Legislative Notes

During my second tour to Iraq as a U.S. Marine, my unit was tasked to help secure the Syrian border. We had received intel that Iran was sending weapons into Syria to smuggle across the border for use against American troops. At the same time, refugees from all over the country were flooding the border to escape the war. We successfully accomplished the mission of securing the border that deployment. It is an absolute shame the Biden administration will not do the same and is allowing an unsecure southern border in our very own country.  As my military service was coming to an end, my younger brother joined. He was wounded a few years later in Afghanistan when an IED was detonated o...

Valley Views

As of the writing of this guest editorial, there has been a 30 percent decrease in FAFSA submissions by students and their parents across the United States compared to last year. In Montana, the decline is also substantial at 25 percent. What is FAFSA and why is it important? FAFSA stands for Free Applica...

Valley Views

In 2022, the people of Montana elected Republican supermajorities to both chambers of the Montana Legislature. Even though the people of Montana elected large majorities of Republicans, the Republicans elected to the Legislature did not always act like conservatives. Instead, many Republicans participated in...

Peace Voice

When was the last time someone was kind to you? Or you were kind to someone else? What were the ripple effects of those moments? A few days ago, a colleague offered to help me meet a deadline since he had extra time and I was busy. It made me feel appreciated and supported, and eager to aid him in return....

Valley Views Valley Views

We have known for decades that air pollution harms health. As a nation, we have prioritized cleaning up the air to protect the public. Sulfur dioxide levels in Billings were once unhealthy and Missoula’s air has ranked among some of the worst in the nation. With regulations, those responsible for the p...

Legislative Notes   Legislative Notes

“This is unconstitutional” has become a frequently used phrase intended to subvert the logic and rational understanding of the Montana Constitution. When improperly applied, it perverts the intended checks and balances of our three-branch state government system. If a person, group, or political ...

Legislative Notes  Legislative Notes

The 2023 Legislature ended almost a year ago. However, a couple weeks ago, Judge Mike Menahan issued a decision directing the Montana Secretary of State to conduct a veto override poll on SB 442 to determine if the bill will become law. I will not be supporting the veto poll override. Like many Montanans,...

Legislative Notes Legislative Notes

Montana families deserve the financial freedom that comes from good health and a hard day’s work. It is only fair. Under Gianforte’s government the uninsured rate has increased by 127,000 Montanans of all ages.  His approach to Medicaid redetermination has failed.  We all will pay...

Valley Views

Bashing China is fashionable these days. But one cool thing is that the Chinese word for “crisis” uses 2 symbols that mean “danger” and “inflection point” (or “pivot”). These symbols frame global climate change well: Ignoring it poses great danger to our kids a...

Slices of Life

“ It is what it is.” I’ve said this phrase quite a few times - many even. So much so that now, when I hear someone else fall back on these five words, I understand their secret, sorrowful, message. It is what it is.  What it means: I can’t change my current circumstan...

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