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I find it very interesting that both the Occupy Wall Street protesters and the Tea Party groups are sporting signs and placards saying “End the Fed.” Though coming from different ends of the spectrum, both groups have arrived at the meat of the matter. The Federal Reserve has been running a giant scam on all Americans (and the world) since 1913 when the six or seven “banking families” that make up the private banking cartel called the “Federal Reserve” tricked Congress into abdicating its responsibility and voted to give this group a central bank charter. They are not “federal,” but by calling themselves by that name, they have convinced people for years that this cartel is a government entity.

One of the ways these bankers convinced Congress to vote them into such a position of power and control over our country’s currency was to allow the president the “privilege” of appointing the Chairman of the Federal Reserve. This is just a figurehead position that is the face of the Fed but is himself a puppet of the cartel. For more information on how this all came about, people can look it up for themselves by either reading “The Creature from Jekyll Island” by G. Edward Griffin or look for Griffin on the Internet and track down an excellent video of him talking about his research. He is not by any means the only one with the information, but I have found him to have a very clear way of presenting it.

There have been people warning us about “the Fed” for years, but their voices have been few and for the most part un-heard. I am very happy to see the signs that are showing up. It means more and more people are waking up to the fact that the big Democrat/Republican fight on all the media is nothing more than a distraction to keep we the “sheeple” from looking at what has been really happening to our country.

Bob McClellan has been writing letters to the paper for years asking about why we are fighting in wars all the time. My answer to him is, “follow the money.” The collusion between the Washington establishment and the Federal Reserve is the very “military industrial complex” that President Eisenhower warned us about as he was leaving office.

Every war we are in rakes in huge profits for that private “bankster” cartel.

I personally believe we should have a strong military for defense. I do not believe we should have what the hawks in government are always pushing for: a huge offensive force to police the world. Why do we have more than 700 military bases in about 195 countries around the world? Again, follow the money. Every dollar the Federal Reserve loans our government to fight a war, or bail something out for that matter, is printed from thin air but has interest attached to it before the ink is dry. It’s a pretty slick scam on the American people.

(Editor’s note: Cynthia Preston is a Charlo resident.)

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